EP 241 Computer Programming

EP241 - Homework

Distance on the Earth

Assuming mean radius of the earth R = 6371 km, write a Fortran program that reads the latitude and logitude of two cities and outputs the arc distance (solid arc in the fugure) and shortest distance (dashed line in the figure) between these two cities on the world.

See also:

For example:
Latitude and logitude values of Gaziantep (Türkiye) and Lisbon (Portugal) is given by:

City Latitude Longitude
Gaziantep 37o 5' N 32o22' E
Lisbon 38o44' N 9o 9' W
An example output of your program should be as follows:
   Input latitude  of the first  city: 37 5 N
   Input longitude of the first  city: 32 22 E

   Input latitude  of the second city: 38 44 N
   Input longitude of the second city: 9 9 W

   Arc Distance      =  3615.6 km
   Shortest Distance =  3567.3 km