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Example: In tossing a coin a head can occur one way out of two ways,
hence: P = 1/2


 Determine N
 Set Head = 0 

 LOOP from i=0 to N
     Generate a random number R 
     from a uniform distribution
     Check IF R<0.5 THEN 
        Increment Head by 1
     END IF

 OUTPUT N, Head, Head/N


     N             Head      Head/N
-------------    --------  ---------
           10           4  0.4000000
          100          41  0.4100000
        1,000         466  0.4660000
       10,000        5059  0.5059000
      100,000       49942  0.4994200
    1,000,000      500351  0.5003510
   10,000,000     4998906  0.4998906
  100,000,000    50006417  0.5000641
1,000,000,000   500008369  0.5000084

The computer implementations of the algorithm : coin.f90 | coin.c