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  1. Lecture Notes on Computational Physics, Dean Karlen, Carleton University
  2. Lecture Notes on Particle Physics and Data Analisis, CERN Docs
  3. EP208 Lecture Notes, Dr. Andrew Beddall, University of Gaziantep
  4. Computational Physics, Nicholas J. Giordano, Purdue University
  5. Numerical Methods for Engineers, S.C.Chapra, McGraw-Hill
  6. Probability, Seymour Lipschuts, Schaum's Outlines, McGraw-Hill
  7. Concepts of Modern Physics, Arthur Beiser, McGraw-Hill
  8. Programming with C++, John Hubbard, Schaum's Outlines, McGraw-Hill
  9. Fortran 90 for Engineers & Scientists, Larry R. Nyhoff, Prentice Hall