#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! The Monte-Carlo Simulation of the Stern-Gerlach Experiment (ROOT Version)
! In quantum mechanics, the Stern.Gerlach experiment is a celebrated experiment (performed in 1921) 
! on the deflection of particles, often used to illustrate basic principles of quantum mechanics. 
! It can be used to demonstrate that electrons and atoms have intrinsically quantum properties, and 
! how measurement in quantum mechanics affects the system being measured.
! This is a basic simulation of an "ideal" Stern-Gerlach experiment to spatially 
! separate the electrons (spin-1/2) particles.
! Experimental set up
!             +--------------------------------------------------------------+
!             |                                                              |
!             | Ag     Slit    Magnetic field Region      Photographic Plate |
!             | Source                                                       |
!             |                                                              |
!             |        |      |        S         |         ||                |
!             |        |      |__________________|         ||                |
!             |  \|/   |                                   ||                |
!             | --O-------->                               ||                |
!             |  /|\   |       __________________          ||                |
!             |        |      |                  |         ||                |
!             |   T    |      |        N         |         ||                |
!             |               .                  .         .                 |
!             |               .<------- L ------>.<-- D -->.                 |
!             |                                                              |
!             +--------------------------------------------------------------+
! The program can be executed on the root terminal as follows:
!   .x spin.C(field, quantum) [default: field=1 and quantum=1]
! Examples:
!   .x spin.C(0)    field = 0 --> dB/dz = 0 (uniform magnetic field)
!   .x spin.C(1)    field = 1 --> dB/dZ > 0 (non-uniform magnetic field along z axis)
!   .x spin.C(2)    field = 2 --> dB/dZ > 0 (non-uniform magnetic field along z axis)
!   .x spin.C(1,0)  field = 1 & quantum=0 --> dB/dZ > 0 and do not consider quantum effect
! See for details: http://www1.gantep.edu.tr/~bingul/seminar/spin/
! All versions   : http://www1.gantep.edu.tr/~bingul/seminar/spin/spin.f90  (Fortran 90)
!                  http://www1.gantep.edu.tr/~bingul/seminar/spin/spin.c    (ANSI C)
!                  http://www1.gantep.edu.tr/~bingul/seminar/spin/spin.C    (ROOT)
! Author         : Dr. Ahmet Bingul <Ahmet.Bingul (at) gantep.edu.tr>, <Ahmet.Bingul (at) cern.ch>
! Date           : Mar 2008
 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#define  XMAX  0.05              // Slit width in x direction in m
#define  ZMAX  0.005             // Slit width in z direction in m
#define  kB    1.38E-23          // Bolzman constant in J/K
#define  PI    3.14159265359     // Number PI
#define  GS    2.0023            // Gyromagnetic ratio for the electron
#define  EoM   1.759E+11         // e/m ratio for the electron in C/kg
#define  HBAR  1.055E-34         // Plank constant in J.s 
#define  L     1.000E+0          // Length   in m of the region containing magnetic filed along y axis
#define  D     0.100E+0          // Distance in m between the end of magnetic filed and Photograhic plate
#define  MAg   1.792E-25         // Mass of the silver atom kg
#define  DBZ   100.0             // Field gradient, dB/dz, in T/m

void spin(Int_t field=1, Int_t quantum=1)
    const Int_t N = 100000;             // Number of Silver, Ag(47), atoms
    Double_t    T = 2000.0;            // Temperature in Kelvin
    Double_t    X[N],Z[N];
    Double_t    sz, muz, phi, theta;
    Double_t    s,sm,x0,z,z0,v,a,dBdz;
    Int_t       i;

    sm = HBAR*sqrt(3.0)/2.0;           // Magnitude of the spin vector
    srand(time(NULL));                 // initilize the random number generator

// Loop over Silver atoms
    for(i=0; i<N; i++)
      // A random angle on the x-y plane in the range [0,2pi]
      //phi = 2.0*PI*Rnd();

         s = +1.0;
         if(Rnd() < 0.5) s = -1.0;
         theta = acos(1.0/sqrt(3.0)); // angle and Sz
         sz    = sm*cos(theta)*s;     // are quantized
         theta = acos(2.0*Rnd()-1.0); // angle and Sz
         sz    = sm*cos(theta);       // are not quantized

      // magnetic moment
      muz = -sz*GS*EoM/2.0;

      // Velocity of a Silver atom taken from a Maxwell-Boltzman distribution
      v = Maxwell_Boltzman(MAg,T);

      // Populate uniformly Silver atoms in x-z plane at y=0
      x0 = -XMAX/2.0 + Rnd()*XMAX;
      z0 = -ZMAX/2.0 + Rnd()*ZMAX;

      // Get the field gradient
      dBdz = Field_Grad(field,x0);

      // Acceceleration and final position along z axis
      a = muz*dBdz/MAg;
      z = z0 + 0.5*a*(L/v)*(L/v) + sign(a)*D*sqrt(2.0*fabs(a)*L)/v;

      X[i] = x0*100;  // in cm
      Z[i] =  z*100;  // in cm

      // print the final results to the user screen
      // printf("%12.4e  %12.4e\n",x0,z);

    TGraph  *gr = new TGraph(N,X,Z);
    TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Stern-Gerlach Experiment",10,10,400,400);


    gr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X (cm)");
    gr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Z (cm)");

    if(!field && !quantum)  gr->SetTitle("SGE: dB/dz = 0, Sz is not quantized.");
    if(!field &&  quantum)  gr->SetTitle("SGE: dB/dz = 0, Sz is quantized");
    if( field && !quantum)  gr->SetTitle("SGE: dB/dz > 0, Sz is not quantized");
    if( field &&  quantum)  gr->SetTitle("SGE: dB/dz > 0, Sz is quantized");

} /* main */


  Double_t Maxwell_Boltzman(Double_t m, Double_t T){
  // Returns, for an atom of mass m (kg) and temperature T (K), 
  // a velocity in m/s which is randomly selected from
  // a Maxwell-Boltzman Distribution function, Fmb, around the
  // most probable velocity, vp. To do this,
  // the Monte-Carlo Rejection method is used.
  Double_t r,v,vmax,vmin,vp,Ptest,fmb,fmax,kT,C;

   kT   = kB*T;
   C    = PI*sqrt(2.0) * pow(m/(PI*kT),1.5);
   vp   = sqrt(2.0*kT/m);
   vmin = vp-vp/8.0;
   vmax = vp+vp/8.0;
   fmax = C * vp*vp * exp(-1.0);

    // Rejection algorithm
      r = Rnd();
      v = Rnd();

      Ptest = fmax*r;
      v     = vmin + (vmax-vmin)*v;
      fmb   = C * v*v * exp(-0.5*m*v*v/kT);

      if (fmb > Ptest) return v;


  Double_t Field_Grad(Int_t op, Double_t x){
  // Returns the components of the magnetic field 
  // gradient (in Tesla/meter) along the z direction.
  Double_t Field_Grad;

    if(op==0)      Field_Grad = 0.0;   // uniform magnetic field in z axis
    else if(op==1) Field_Grad = DBZ;   // non-uniform in z but uniform in x direction
                   Field_Grad = DBZ*exp(-25*x*x/XMAX/XMAX);
//                 Field_Grad = DBZ*(1-4*x*x/XMAX/XMAX);

    return Field_Grad;



  Double_t Rnd(void){
  // Returns an random number uniformly distributed between [0,1].
   return  (Double_t) gRandom->Rndm();


  Double_t sign(Double_t x){
  // Returns sign of x (-1 or +1)
   if(x>0.0) return +1.0;
   else      return -1.0;