// Class  : NeutronTransport v1.0 (~750 lines of c++ code including comments)
// Date   : June 2009
// Simulates a Neutron Transport System for a spherical bulk (medium) containing U235 and U238 nuclei.
// Thermal neutrons are relased from the center of a shperical bulk of radius m_radius and mass m_mass
// containing only two nuclei U235 and U238. Using Monte Carlo methods, program simulates 
// the trajectories (i.e. the positions) of the secondary neutrons propagating in the bulk.
// The secondaries can be prompt neutrons (from fission reaction) or scattered neutrons.
// At the end, end() method outputs the average neutron multiplication factor (<keff>) of the
// system defined as the ratio:
//   keff = (# neutrons generated in one generation) / (# neutrons generated in preceding generation)
//   keff < 1 ==> results in sub-critial mass   (means no chain reaction occurs)
//   keff = 1 ==> results in critial mass       (means a chain reaction can start)
//   keff > 1 ==> results in super-critial mass (means a chain reaction definitely starts)
// You can find more information at: http://www1.gantep.edu.tr/~bingul/simulation/fission/
// and a main (driver) program at:   http://www1.gantep.edu.tr/~bingul/simulation/fission/fission.cc
// Author : Dr. Ahmet Bingül <bingul(at)gantep.edu.tr>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

class NeutronTransport

            // *** private variables and methods starts with m_  ***

            double m_PI, m_A0, m_barn, m_A235, m_A238, m_N235, m_N238,
                   m_density, m_purity, m_eAvr, m_eCharge,
                   m_micro235[5], m_macro235[5], m_micro238[5], m_macro238[5],
                   m_macroAll[5], m_P[5], m_lambda, m_heat, m_En, m_radius, m_mass,
                   m_s235[5][20], m_s238[5][20], m_Energy[20], m_eThermal, 
                   m_pAbs, m_pCap, m_pFis, m_p235, m_pSct, m_pEla, m_pInE;

            bool   m_showDetails;
            int    m_evtMax, m_evtNum, m_genNum, m_genMax, m_nMax, **m_nNeutron, m_hit;

            int    m_randomSeed;
            double m_randomFlat(void);
            int    m_randomNubar(double, bool);
            double m_randomPathLength(void);
            double m_randomPromptEnergy(void);
            double m_randomScatteredEnergy(double, double, bool);

            void   m_chain(int &, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*);
            void   m_printDetails(int, string, double, double, double, double, double);
            int    m_nint(double);
            void   m_getData(void);
            void   m_getProbabilities(double);
            bool   m_isOutside(double, double, double);

            time_t m_timeStart, m_timeEnd;

            NeutronTransport(int =1, int =100, double =0.03, double =10.0, bool =false, int =0);

            void   start();
            void   execute();
            void   end();

// Constructor for the NeutronTransport class
// max_evt (default is 1)    : maximum number of events (borbarded neutrons) required
// max_gen (default is 20)   : maximum number of generation that a calculation performed
// pur     (default is 3%)   : purtiy of the U235 in the bulk
// rad     (default is 10)   : radius in cm of the spherical bulk
// detail  (default is false): true or false to allow to print details of an event
// seed    (default is 0)    : seed of the random number generator
NeutronTransport::NeutronTransport(int max_evt, int max_gen, double pur, double rad, bool detail, int seed)
  //*** Parameters used in the program ***              // Description                                Unit
                                                        // ----------------------------------------   ----------
  m_PI      = 3.14159265358979323846;                   // Number pi                                  -
  m_A0      = 6.02214179e+23;                           // Avagadros number                           atoms/mole
  m_barn    = 1.0e-24;                                  // A conversion factor between barn and cm2   cm2
  m_A235    = 235.0439299;                              // Atomic weigth of U235                      u
  m_A238    = 238.0507826;                              // Atomic weigth of U235                      u
  m_density = 18.75;                                    // mass density of Uranium                    g/cm3
  if(pur<0.9) m_density = 19.05;                        // mass density for purity < 90%              g/cm3
  m_eCharge = 1.602e-19;                                // electronic charge                          C
  m_eAvr    = 2.0e+8 * m_eCharge;                       // Average energy released per fission        J
  m_purity  = pur;                                      // purity of the U235                         -
  m_N235    = m_purity*m_density*m_A0/m_A235;           // Atom density of U235                       1/cm3
  m_N238    = (1.0-m_purity)*m_density*m_A0/m_A238;     // Atom density of U238                       1/cm3
  m_heat    = 0.0;                                      // Average kinetic energy per fission         J
  m_radius  = rad;                                      // Radius of the U235-U238 mixture (bulk)     cm
  m_mass    = m_density * 4.0*m_PI*pow(m_radius,3)/3.0; // mass of the sphrical bulk                  g
  m_eThermal= 0.0253;                                   // Kinetic energy of thermal neutrons         eV

  //*** Neutron counting stuff ***
  m_hit    = 0;           // see m_printDetails() routine
  m_nMax   = 50000;       // Maximum number of neutrons in one generation
  m_evtNum = 0;           // Event Number counter (upto m_evtMax)
  m_genNum = 0;           // Generation number counter (upto m_genMax)
  m_evtMax = max_evt;     // Maximum number of events (default is 1)
  m_genMax = max_gen;     // Maximum number of generations allowed (default is 20)
  m_showDetails = detail; // To show details of the each event if detail = true (default is false)

  //*** total number of neutrons generated ***
  m_nNeutron = new int* [m_evtMax];
  for(int i=0; i<m_evtMax; i++)
       *(m_nNeutron+i) = new int [m_genMax];

  //*** initilize the random number generator ***
  if( !seed ) m_randomSeed = (int) time(NULL);
  else        m_randomSeed = seed;

  //*** to calculate program execution time count number of seconds ***

// Main method for the simulation.
// Contains two main loops
//    event loop      : loops over each event (i.e. maximum number of events)
//    generation loop : loops over the geneations corresponding to an event
void NeutronTransport::execute()
      // To save position of neutrons
      double *x, *y, *z, *e, *ux, *uy, *uz;

      x = new double  [m_nMax];
      y = new double  [m_nMax];
      z = new double  [m_nMax];
      e = new double  [m_nMax];
      ux = new double [m_nMax];
      uy = new double [m_nMax];
      uz = new double [m_nMax];

      // event loop **********************************************************
      for(int m_evtNum = 0; m_evtNum<m_evtMax; m_evtNum++)
            // Each event starts with n = 1 neutron
            int n = 1;

            // Total # of neutrons generated for this event
            int ntot = 0;

            // initial positions of the neutrons for the first generation
            for(int j=0; j<m_nMax; j++)
               double phi = 2.0*m_PI*m_randomFlat();
               double costh = 2.0*m_randomFlat()-1.0;
               double sinth = sqrt(1.0-costh*costh);
               double rad = m_radius*m_randomFlat();
               x[j] = rad*sinth*cos(phi);
               y[j] = rad*sinth*sin(phi);
               z[j] = rad*costh;
               ux[j] = -x[j];
               uy[j] = -y[j];
               uz[j] = -z[j];

               //x[j] = y[j] = z[j] = ux[j] = uy[j] = uz[j] = 0.0;
               e[j] = m_eThermal;

            // generation loop
            for(m_genNum = 0; m_genNum < m_genMax; m_genNum++)
                m_chain(n, x, y, z, e, ux, uy, uz);
                m_nNeutron[m_evtNum][m_genNum] = n;
                ntot += n;
                if(n<=0) break;
            } // end of generation loop

            cout << "Event: " << setw(7) << m_evtNum+1
                 << " | Generation depth: " << setw(5) << m_genNum
                 << " | Total # of genenerated neutrons: " << ntot
                 << endl;

      } // end of event loop *************************************************

      delete [] x;
      delete [] y;
      delete [] z;
      delete [] e;
      delete [] ux;
      delete [] uy;
      delete [] uz;

// The climax method
// Performs the chain reaction for one generation.
// n      number of neutrons in the generation 
// x,y,z  position of each neutron to check if it it outside of the bulk
void NeutronTransport::m_chain
(int& n, double* x, double* y, double* z, double* e, double *ux, double *uy, double *uz){

    if(n<=0) return;

    double d, phi, theta, xx, yy, zz, ee, uux, uuy, uuz;
    int    i, j, k, l, ng;
    vector<double> X, Y, Z, E, Ux, Uy, Uz;

    k = ng = j = 0;

    // loop over the all neutrons inside the medium
    for(i=0; i<n; i++)
       bool isAbsorbed  = false;
       bool isScattered = false;
       bool isFission   = false;
       bool isCaptured  = false;
       bool isElastic   = false;
       bool isInElastic = false;
       bool isPossible  = true;

       m_getProbabilities( *(e+i) );

       // Using probalities decide if absorbtion occur ****************************
       if( m_randomFlat() < m_pAbs ){
          isAbsorbed = true;
          if( m_randomFlat() < m_pFis ) isFission  = true; // fission
          else                          isCaptured = true; // capture
       // if scattering occur
          isScattered = true;
          if( m_randomFlat() < m_pEla ) isElastic   = true; // elastic scatt.
          else                          isInElastic = true; // in-elastic scatt.
       } //************************************************************************

       // print mother particle info
       m_printDetails(0, "   Mother      ",*(x+i), *(y+i), *(z+i), *(e+i), m_heat);

          // is the nucleus U235 ?
          bool isU235 = false;
          if(m_randomFlat() < m_p235) isU235 = true;

          // Get number of prompt neutrons produced for the fission
          int np = m_randomNubar(*(e+i), isU235);

          for(l=1; l<=np; l++)
             // Get a random free path length
             d = m_randomPathLength();

             // Send the prompt neutron to a isotropiaclly random direction in space
             phi  = 2.0*m_PI*m_randomFlat();
             theta= acos(2.0*m_randomFlat()-1.0);
             uux = sin(theta)*cos(phi);
             uuy = sin(theta)*sin(phi);
             uuz = cos(theta);
             xx  = *(x+i) + d*uux;
             yy  = *(y+i) + d*uuy;
             zz  = *(z+i) + d*uuz;

             // Assign a random kinetic energy to the prompt neutron
             ee = m_randomPromptEnergy();

             // Check if the neutron is outside of the bulk
             if( m_isOutside(xx, yy, zz) )
                 m_printDetails(k+1, "   Out of bulk ",xx, yy, zz, ee, m_heat);
                 m_heat += m_eAvr;
                 m_printDetails(k+1, "   Prompt      ",xx, yy, zz, ee, m_heat);

          } // end of prompt neutron loop
       } // end of isFission

       else if(isScattered)
          // Get a random free path length for this energy
          d = m_randomPathLength();

          // Send the scattered neutron to a isotropiaclly random direction in space
          phi  = 2.0*m_PI*m_randomFlat();
          theta= acos(2.0*m_randomFlat()-1.0);
          uux = sin(theta)*cos(phi);
          uuy = sin(theta)*sin(phi);
          uuz = cos(theta);
          xx  = *(x+i) + d*uux;
          yy  = *(y+i) + d*uuy;
          zz  = *(z+i) + d*uuz;

          // Scattering angle
          // i.e. opening angle between new and old direction (it is found from dot product)
          double cosThetaS = *(ux+i)*uux + *(uy+i)*uuy + *(uz+i)*uuz;

          // Determine the random kinetic energy to this scattered neutron
          ee = m_randomScatteredEnergy(*(e+i), cosThetaS, isElastic);
          if(ee<0.0) isPossible = false;

          // Check if the neutron is outside of the bulk
          if( m_isOutside(xx, yy, zz) )
              m_printDetails(k+1, "   Out of bulk ",xx, yy, zz, ee, m_heat);
          else if(isPossible){
                 m_printDetails(k+1, "   Scaterred   ",xx, yy, zz, ee, m_heat);

              m_printDetails(k+1, "   Captured    ",xx, yy, zz, 0.0, m_heat);

       else if(isCaptured)
             m_printDetails(k+1, "   Captured    ",xx, yy, zz, 0.0, m_heat);

    } // end of loop over the all neutrons inside the medium

    n = ng;

    if(ng<=0) return;

    for(i=0; i<(int) X.size(); i++){
          *(x+i)  = X.at(i);
          *(y+i)  = Y.at(i);
          *(z+i)  = Z.at(i);
          *(e+i)  = E.at(i);
          *(ux+i) = Ux.at(i);
          *(uy+i) = Uy.at(i);
          *(uz+i) = Uz.at(i);
    for(i=0; i<(int) X.size(); i++){

// Prints some initial information at the begining of the program.
void NeutronTransport::start(){
   cout << endl;
   cout << "NeutronTransport 1.0 - June 2009" << endl;
   cout << "A Basic Monte Carlo Neutron Transport Simulation " << endl << endl;

   cout << "--- Neutron Transport will start with the following initial values -------" << endl;
   cout << "Number of events        : " << fixed << setw(8) << setprecision(3) << m_evtMax << endl;
   cout << "Radius of the bulk (cm) : " << fixed << setw(8) << setprecision(3) << m_radius << endl;
   cout << "Mass of the bulk (kg)   : " << fixed << setw(8) << setprecision(3) << m_mass/1000. << endl;
   cout << "Purity of U(235) (%)    : " << fixed << setw(8) << setprecision(3) << m_purity*100.  << endl;
   cout << "Atom density of U(235)  : " << scientific << setw(8) << setprecision(2) << m_N235 << endl;
   cout << "Atom density of U(238)  : " << scientific << setw(8) << setprecision(2) << m_N238 << endl;
   cout << "Seed of random # gen.   : " << setw(8) << m_randomSeed << endl;
   cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;

   //*** Get cross-section data from the data file ***

   cout << endl << "Press [return] to continue..." << endl;

// Finalises the NutronTransport after printing some statistics at the end of the program.
void NeutronTransport::end()
    int     i, j, ng[m_genMax];
    double  keff[m_genMax], kerr[m_genMax];

    // Evaluate and print keff for each generation
    for(j=0; j<m_genMax; j++){
      keff[j] = kerr[j] = 0.0;
      for(ng[j] = 0, i=0; i<m_evtMax; i++)
         ng[j] += m_nNeutron[i][j];

    cout << endl << "--- Neutron Transport stoped. --------------------------------------------" << endl;
    cout << "Total Number of Events: " << m_evtMax << endl;
    cout << "Total Generation      : " << m_genMax << endl << endl;
    cout << "Generation #    nold          nnew              keff          kerr   " << endl;
    cout << "============    ==========    ==========        =======       =======" << endl;
    for(j=1; j<m_genMax; j++)
      double ratio = double(ng[j]) / ng[j-1];

           keff[j] = ratio;
           kerr[j] = sqrt( 1.0/ng[j] + 1.0/ng[j-1]) * ratio;

      cout << setw(12) << j << setw(14) << ng[j-1] << setw(14) << ng[j]
           << fixed << setprecision(5) << setw(15) << keff[j]
           << fixed << setprecision(5) << setw(14) << kerr[j]
           << endl;
    cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl << endl;

    // Evaluate <keff> (average of keff) and corresponding error normalised to one generation
    string conclusion;
    double sum, keffavr, kefferr, timediff;
    int    ne;

    for(sum=0.0, ne = 0, i=0; i<m_genMax; i++){
       if(keff[i]) {sum += keff[i]; ne++;}
    keffavr = sum/ne;

    for(sum=0.0, i=0; i<m_genMax; i++)  
       if(keff[i]) sum += (keff[i]-keffavr)*(keff[i]-keffavr);

    kefferr = sqrt(sum/(ne-1.))/sqrt(ne);

    if ( keffavr + kefferr > 1.0 && keffavr - kefferr < 1.0 ) conclusion = "The bulk seems to be critical.";
    if ( keffavr + kefferr > 1.0 && keffavr - kefferr > 1.0 ) conclusion = "The bulk seems to be super-critical.";
    if ( keffavr + kefferr < 1.0 )                            conclusion = "The bulk seems to be sub-critical.";

    timediff = m_timeEnd - m_timeStart;

    cout << "<keff> = " << fixed << setprecision(5) << keffavr << " +- " << kefferr << endl;
    cout << conclusion << endl;
    cout << "Time    = " << fixed      << setprecision(5) << setw(10) << timediff     << "  s." << endl;
    cout << "Purity  = " << fixed      << setprecision(5) << setw(10) << m_purity*100 << "  %." << endl;
    cout << "Mass    = " << fixed      << setprecision(5) << setw(10) << m_mass/1000. << " kg." << endl;
    cout << "Radius  = " << fixed      << setprecision(5) << setw(10) << m_radius     << " cm." << endl;
    cout << "Heat en.= " << scientific << setprecision(2) << setw(10) << m_heat       << "  J." << endl << endl;

// Prints deteiled information of id, positions, energy, ...
void NeutronTransport::m_printDetails
(int code, string id, double xx, double yy, double zz, double e1, double e2)
  const int realWidth = 11, precision = 4, intWidth = 10;

     if( !m_hit )
        cout << "--- Detailed Event List including Generations (up to " << m_genMax; 
        cout << ") -------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
        cout << endl;
        cout << " Event#    Generation     Track   Neutron id";
        cout << "        x          y          z      Energy(eV)   Heat Energy(J)" << endl;
        cout << " ======    ==========     =====   ==========";
        cout << "      ======     ======     ======   ==========   ==============" << endl;

     cout << setw(7) << m_evtNum+1 << setw(14) << m_genNum+1;
     cout << setw(intWidth) << code <<  id
          << fixed << setprecision(precision) 
          << setw(realWidth) << xx 
          << setw(realWidth) << yy
          << setw(realWidth) << zz
          << setw(realWidth) << scientific << setprecision(2) << e1
          << setw(realWidth) << scientific << setprecision(2) << e2 << endl;

// Calculates the reaction probabilities using neutron cross-section data evaluated
// for U235 and U238 for the given kinetic energy.
void NeutronTransport::m_getProbabilities(double energy)
   //for(int i=0; i<5; i++) m_micro235[i] = m_micro238[i] = 0.0;

   //=== Microscopic cross-sections ===
   if( energy <= m_eThermal ){
      m_micro235[0]=99.0;    m_micro238[0]=0.0;    // 0 -> Radiation capture
      m_micro235[1]=582.0;   m_micro238[1]=0.0;    // 1 -> Fission
      m_micro235[2]=13.78;   m_micro238[2]=8.871;  // 2 -> Elastic scattering
      m_micro235[3]=0.2;     m_micro238[3]=0.0;    // 3 -> In-elastic scattering
      m_micro235[4]=695.0;   m_micro238[4]=11.551; // 4 -> Total cross-sections
      // values are obtained by linear extrapolation
      for(int i=0; i<19; i++){
         if(energy >= m_Energy[i] && energy <= m_Energy[i+1]){
            double de = (energy-m_Energy[i])/(m_Energy[i+1]-m_Energy[i]);
            for(int j=0; j<5; j++){
               m_micro235[j] = (m_s235[j][i+1]-m_s235[j][i])*de + m_s235[j][i];
               m_micro238[j] = (m_s238[j][i+1]-m_s238[j][i])*de + m_s238[j][i];

  //=== Macroscopic cross-sections ===
  for(int i=0; i<5; i++){
      m_macro235[i] = m_N235 * m_micro235[i] * m_barn;
      m_macro238[i] = m_N238 * m_micro238[i] * m_barn;
      m_macroAll[i] = m_macro235[i] + m_macro238[i];

  //=== mean free path of a neutron in the bulk ===
  m_lambda = 1.0/m_macroAll[4];

  //=== Reaction probabilities ===
  m_pAbs = (m_macroAll[0]+m_macroAll[1])/m_macroAll[4]; // absorbtion    probability wrt total cs
  m_pCap = m_macroAll[0]/(m_macroAll[0]+m_macroAll[1]); // capture       probability wrt absorbtion cs
  m_pFis = m_macroAll[1]/(m_macroAll[0]+m_macroAll[1]); // fission       probability wrt absorbtion cs
  m_p235 = m_macro235[1]/(m_macro235[1]+m_macro238[1]); // U235          probability wrt fission cs

  m_pSct = (m_macroAll[2]+m_macroAll[3])/m_macroAll[4]; // scattering    probability wrt total cs
  m_pEla = m_macroAll[2]/(m_macroAll[2]+m_macroAll[3]); // elastic s.    probability wrt scattering cs
  m_pInE = m_macroAll[2]/(m_macroAll[2]+m_macroAll[3]); // in-elastic s. probability wrt scattering cs

// Reads data from the 'fission-cross-section.data' to get energies (eV) and corresponding 
// microscopic cross-sections (in barn) for U235 and U238.
// Datum are stroed in the arrays of m_Energy[j], m_s235[i][j] and m_s238[i][j] (i=0,4; j=0,19)
// ** You can download data file from:
//    http://www1.gantep.edu.tr/~bingul/simulation/fission/fission-cross-section.data
// ** Data is taken from the following web sites:
//    - http://www.ncnr.nist.gov/resources/n-lengths/list.html
//      Nuclear Center for Nuclear Resarch
//    - http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/
//      National Nuclear Data Center (Brookhaven National Lab.)
//      ENDF Evaluated Nuclear (reaction) Datas File is used.
void NeutronTransport::m_getData(void)
  ifstream csDataFile ("fission-cross-section.data");

  cout << "Getting cross-section data... " << endl;

  if( csDataFile.is_open() )
        // get 20-Kinetic energy value (in eV) for the cross-section calculation
        for(int j=0; j<20; j++)
          csDataFile >> m_Energy[j];

        // get U235 cross section (in barn) data
        for(int j=0; j<20; j++){
        for(int i=0; i<5;  i++)
          csDataFile >> m_s235[i][j];

        // get U238 cross section (in barn) data
        for(int j=0; j<20; j++){
        for(int i=0; i<5;  i++)
          csDataFile >> m_s238[i][j];
        cout << "done." << endl;
   cout << "Cannot open 'fission-cross-section.data'." << endl;
   cout << "You can download it from:" << endl;
   cout << "http://www1.gantep.edu.tr/~bingul/simulation/fission/fission-cross-section.data" << endl;

  if( m_showDetails == false ) return;

  cout << "--- U235 cross-section data ----------------------------------------------" << endl;
  cout<< "  En. (ev)   Capture   Fission   Elestic   In-Elas   Total  " << endl;
  cout<< "  ========   =======   =======   =======   =======   =======" << endl;
  for(int j=0; j<20; j++){
     cout << scientific << setw(10) << setprecision(2) << m_Energy[j];
     for(int i=0; i<5;  i++)
        cout << fixed << setw(10) << setprecision(5) << m_s235[i][j];
  cout << endl;
  cout << "--- U238 cross-section data ----------------------------------------------" << endl;
  cout<< "  En. (ev)   Capture   Fission   Elestic   In-Elas   Total  " << endl;
  cout<< "  ========   =======   =======   =======   =======   =======" << endl;
  for(int j=0; j<20; j++){
     cout << scientific << setw(10) << setprecision(2) << m_Energy[j];
     for(int i=0; i<5;  i++)
        cout << fixed << setw(10) << setprecision(5) << m_s238[i][j];
  cout << endl;
  cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl << endl;

// Returns true if the neutrons is outside of the bulk
bool NeutronTransport::m_isOutside(double xx, double yy, double zz)
    if( sqrt(xx*xx + yy*yy + zz*zz) > m_radius ) return true;
    return false;

// Returns nearest integer of a the double x
int NeutronTransport::m_nint(double x)
  if( (x - int(x)) >= 0.5) return int(x+1.0);
  else                     return int(x);

// Following methods, that performs MC simulation, use random numbers.
// m_randomFlat()            : Returns a uniform random deviate between 0.0 and 1.0.
// m_randomNeutronNumber()   : Returns a random neutron number after fission
// m_randomPathLength()      : Returns a random free path for a neutron (avr = m_lambda)
// m_randomPromptEnergy()    : Returns a random energy for a prompt neutron. (avr ~ 2.5 MeV)
// m_randomScatteredEnergy() : Returns a random energy for a scattered neutron.

// Returns a uniform random deviate between 0.0 and 1.0.
// Based on: Park and Miller's "Minimal Standard" random number generator (Comm. ACM, 31, 1192, 1988)
double NeutronTransport::m_randomFlat()
   const  int   im = 2147483647, ia = 16807;
   const  int   iq = 127773,     ir = 2836;
   const  double m = 128.0/im;
   int    k;
   double r;

   k = m_randomSeed / iq;
   m_randomSeed = ia*(m_randomSeed-k*iq) - ir*k;

   if(m_randomSeed < 0) m_randomSeed += im;

   r = m * (m_randomSeed/128);

   return r;

// Returns a normally distributed integer number of neutron generated per fission.
// The width of the distribution is sigma and mean is energy dependent.
// The result Nubar dpends also the nuclei.
int NeutronTransport::m_randomNubar(double energy, bool isU235)
  double mean, sigma = 1.0;
  double x, y, z;

        x = 2.0 * m_randomFlat() - 1.0;
        y = 2.0 * m_randomFlat() - 1.0;
        z = x*x + y*y;
        if( z <= 1.0 ) break;

  // convert energy in eV to MeV
  energy *= 1.0e-6;

  // U235 nucleus
     if(energy<5.0) mean = 0.12*energy + 2.4;
     else           mean = 0.16*energy + 2.2;
  // U238 nucleus
     if(energy<3.0) mean = 0.0666*energy + 2.4;
     else           mean = 0.1654*energy + 2.1538;

  return m_nint(mean + sigma*x*sqrt(-2.0*log(z)/z));

// Returns a random path length obeying exponential decay law.
// This is actually a poission distribution exp(-x/lambda).
double NeutronTransport::m_randomPathLength()
   return -m_lambda * log(m_randomFlat());

// Returns a random kinetic energy in eV for a prompt neutron.
// The values are taken from a Maxwellian (or Watt) distribution.
// This distribution is still commonly used to describe the prompt fission neutron spectra.
double NeutronTransport::m_randomPromptEnergy()
  double emin =  0.05;      // minimum value of the kinetic energy in MeV
  double emax = 20.00;      // maximum value of the kinetic energy in MeV
  double Tm   =  1.29;      // Maxwellian temperature, somewhere between [1.290, 1.426]
  double eopt =  Tm/2.0;    // optimum value of the energy
  double scal = 2.0/(sqrt(m_PI)*pow(Tm,1.5));  // a scale factor
  double fmax = scal*sqrt(eopt)*exp(-eopt/Tm); // optimum value of the distribution

  // A rejection algorithm
    double ptest = m_randomFlat()*fmax;
    double e     = m_randomFlat()*(emax-emin) + emin;
    double fmb   = scal*sqrt(e)*exp(-e/Tm);
    if (fmb > ptest) return e*1.0e+6;

// Returns a kinetic energy in eV of the scattered neutron for the given
//           Ei : kinetic energy of the incident neutron in eV
// cosThetaScat : the cosine of scattering angle
//      elastic : the scattering type (true for elastic and false for in-elastic scattering). 
// Note that aproximated values are used for the calculation.
double NeutronTransport::m_randomScatteredEnergy(double Ei, double cosThetaScat, bool elastic)
    double A = 237.0, Ef, Q;

        Ef = Ei*(A+cosThetaScat)*(A+cosThetaScat) / ((A+1.)*(A+1.));
        //Ef = Ei*(0.99 - m_randomFlat()/100.);
        // Reaction Q value of the in-elastic reaction
        if(m_randomFlat()<0.1) Q = 148.0e+3;
        else                   Q =  44.9e+3;

        if(Q>Ei) Ef = -1.0; // reaction is not possible
        else     Ef = pow(sqrt(Ei)*cosThetaScat-A*sqrt(Ei-Q),2.) / ((A+1.)*(A+1.));
        //else     Ef = Ei*(0.99 - m_randomFlat()/100.) - Q;
        if(Ef<5.0e+04) Ef = -1.0; // no cross-section info

    return Ef;