

EP 427



1.       a-) Convert the binary number (1101.0110)2 to hexadecimal;      (2 Pts.)

b-) Convert the octal number (17)8 to decimal; (2 Pts.)

c-) Convert the decimal number your student number (last four numbers) to binary and octal; (3 Pts.)

d-) Convert the your last name (up to first five letters) to decimal and binary. (3 Pts.)


2.       a-) Add the following binary numbers;  (5 Pts.)

        1011010                                                1111                                       110.11

    100101                                                    11                                       101.01

+                                                          +                                              +


b-) Perform the following binary subtractions (5 Pts.)

  1101                                                   10011                                       10.11

          101                                                   11001                                       11.01

      -                                                           -                                               -


3.       a-) Find the (r-1)’s complement of the given numbers (1011.011)2 and (0.4567)10. (4 Pts.)

b-) Find the r’s complement of the given numbers (101100.0110)2 and (12.68)10  (4 Pts.)

c-) Using the r’s complement subtract the given numbers (1011)2 – (1100)2.  (4 Pts.)


4.       Explain the basic logic gates, complete two input logic gates truth table and their timing diagrams.(10 Pts.)


5.       Simplify the following functions;

a-) F=A(A+B)  (3 Pts.)

b-) F=AB+AB’+A’B  (3 Pts.)

c-) F=A+A’B  (4 Pts.)

d-)F=(A+C’)(A+D)(B+C’)(B+D) (5 Pts.)


6.       Express the following functions in a sum of minterms and a products of maxterms.

a-) F(A,B,C)=A(B’+C)+A’B  (3 Pts.)

b-) F(A,B,C)=1  (3 Pts.)

c-) F(A,B,C,D)=ABC+A’BD’ (4 Pts.)


7.       Write the Boolean equation of the given logic circuit and then draw its minimal NAND-NAND circuit for F. (15 Pts.)







8.       A combinational circuit has four inputs (A3A2A1A0) and one output F. The output is equal to 1 when A2=A0.

a-) Obtain the truth table;            (4 Pts.)

b-) Find the simplified output function in SOP form;         (10 Pts.)

c-) Draw the simplified logic circuit. (4 Pts.)


9.       (Extra Question, if you solve it, you will have one extra letter; i.e. CC Þ CB, in your final mark). Show that (AÅBÅC)’=AÅBÄC=AÄBÅC.













EP 427



1.       a-) Simplify the following equation using the Karnaugh mapping procedure and then implement it with only three NAND gates. (5 Pts.)

F(a,b,c,d) = a’b’c’ + bcd’ + ab’c’d’ + a’bc’d’ + bc’d’ + c’d’ + ab’c’

b-) Simplify the following function in (1) SOP and (2) POS form and then implement them with either three NAND or NOR gates. (7 Pts.)

                                                     F = ac’ + ace + ace’ + a’cd’ + a’d’e’

c-) Simplify the following function using don’t care condition in (1) SOP and (2) POS form and then draw the logic circuits using minimum number of basic logic gates. Indicate which of the logic circuit is preferable. (7 Pts.)

                                                                 F = Σ ( 1, 4, 11, 14 )

                                                                 d = Σ ( 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13 )

d-) Implement the four Boolean functions listed using three half-adder circuits. (6 Pts.)

                                                                 D = A Å B Å C

                                                                 E = A’BC + AB’C

                                                                 F = ABC’ + (A’ + B’ ) C

                                                                 G = ABC

e-) Design of a logical device that receives a four-bit binary number A4A3A2A1, and is to indicate the prime numbers. (5 Pts.)


2.       Suppose that a computer and printer system uses 4-bit odd parity generator and checker;

a-) Tabulate the truth table of parity generator. (4 Pts.)

b-) Write and simplify the output function of parity generator using any simplification technique which you learned. (6 Pts.)

c-) Implement the logic circuits of parity generator and checker in the simplest form. (6 Pts.)

d-) Discuss in which conditions parity checker gives error. (4 Pts.)


3.       Design of a combinational logical device that is convert a decimal digit from 6,3,2,-1 BCD code to 8,4,2,1 BCD code. (20 Pts.)


4.       Design a 8421 BCD subtractor using full-adder(s) and (if necessary) basic logic gates. (30 Pts.)









EP 427



1    a-) Convert the binary number (111101000.0111)2 into an octal, a decimal and a hexadecimal number.  b-) Convert (25223)6 to a decimal number.

c-) Given a decimal integer number of n digits, how many digits are required to represent the same number in base 2 and 16 ?

d-) Using the (r-1)’s complement subtract the given numbers (1011)2 – (1100)2. 


2    a-) Find the Boolean sum of the two functions by adding the values of the corresponding cells of their maps.






b- Find the Boolean product of the two functions by adding the values of the corresponding cells of their maps.







3.       Design a system-called a parallel binary comparator that compares the 4-bit string A (A3A2A1A0) to the 4-bit binary string B (B3B2B1B0). If the string are exactly equal, provide a high-level output to drive a warning buzzer.


4.       Implement the function F(a,b,c,d)=åm(1,2,4,5,6,9,10,11,13) using one 8-bit multiplexer. How many IC packages (7400) would be required to implement the function with NAND gates ?



5.       Redefine the carry propagate and carry generate as follows

       Show that the output carry and output sum of a full-adder becomes


6.       Design of a BCD-to-seven-segment decoder circuit using a BCD-to-decimal decoder (4 x 10 decoder) and, if necessary, basic logic gates. A BCD-to-seven-segment decoder is a combinational circuit that accepts a decimal digit in BCD and generates the appropriate outputs for selection of segments in a display indicator used for displaying the decimal digit. The seven outputs of the decoder (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) select the corresponding segments in display as shown in below figure.

















Time Duration : 120 Mins.


1.       a-) Convert the hexadecimal number (23AB.08CD)16 to octal;    (2 Pts.)

b-) Convert the BCD number (000100100011.00000110)BCD to decimal; (2 Pts.)

c-) Convert the decimal number (153.513)10 to a three digit octal fraction number. (2 Pts.)


2.       Perform the following additions, subtractions and multiplications.  (14 Pts.)


        1111.110         BABA                725.01              110.11              1453                 1101                 61

    101.011         DEDE                601.17             11.01              1271                   101                 63

     (                 )2     (           )16        (           )8          (           )2          (           )8          (           )2          (    )7


3.       a-) Find the (r-1)’s complement of the given numbers (0101.0110)2 and (10.257)10. (4 Pts.)

b-) Find the r’s complement of the given numbers (101100.0110)2 and (12.68)10  (4 Pts.)

c-) Using the r’s complement subtract the given numbers (1011)2 – (1100)2.  (4 Pts.)


4.       Simplify the following functions using Boolean simplification techniques,

a-) f=a(a+b)+ a’(a+b)’ (5 Pts.)

b-) f=a+abc+ab+a’bc  (5 Pts.)

c-) f=(a+c’)(a+d)(b+c’)(b+d) (6 Pts.)


5.       For the given circuits;

a-) Write the Boolean output equation, (6 Pts.)

b-) Obtain the minterms and maxterms of the function, (6 Pts.)

c-) Using K-map simplify it and (6 Pts.)

d-) Draw the simplified logic circuit. (4 Pts.)












6.       Simplify the following function using don’t care condition in (1) SOP and (2) POS form and

then draw the logic circuits using minimum number of basic logic gates. Indicate which of

the logic circuit is preferable. (10 Pts.)

                                                                 F = Σ ( 1, 4, 11, 14 )

                                                                 d = Σ ( 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13 )


7.       In order to obtain four bit parity generator,

a-) Complete the truth table of it;            (4 Pts.)

b-) Find the simplified output function in SOP form;         (6 Pts.)

            c-) Draw the simplified 4-bit Even Generator Logic circuit. (4 Pts.)

            d-) Discuss can you obtain 8-bit Even Generator using 4-bit Even Generator. How? (6 Pts.)

Good Luck Dr.A.N.YAZICI      





EP 427  Digital Electronics

Final Exam (Time Duration : 100 mins.)

(Choose only one of them after question 5)

1.       Design a decimal arithmetic unit with two selection variables, V1 and V0, and two BCD digits, A and B. The unit should have four arithmetic operations which depend on the values of the selection variables as shown below table.



Output function

Use block diagram for all used MSI circuit



A + 9’s complement of B



A + B



A + 10’s complement of B



A + 1 (add 1 to A)

2.       A combinational circuit is specified by the following three Boolean functions; F1 = x’y’ + xz’,

F2 = y’ + x’z,   F3 = x’y + yz.  Implement the circuit with a decoder which constructed with NAND gates and minimum number of external NAND gates.

3.       Implement the following Boolean function F(A,B,C,D)=Σ(1,3,4,11,12,13,14,15) with a 4 x 1 multiplexer and minimum number of necessary external gates. Connect inputs A and B to the selection lines of used multiplexer. The input requirements for the four data lines (I0, I1, I2 and I3) of multiplexer will be function of variables C and D. These values are obtained by expressing F as a function of C and D for each of the four cases when AB = 00, 01, 10, 11. These function may have to be implemented with external gates.                     

4.       An 8 x 1 multiplexer has A, C and D connected to the selection inputs s2, s1 and s0, respectively. The data inputs , I0 through I7 are as follows: I0=I3=I5=I6=B and I1=I2=I4=I7=B’. Find the function and then simplified it. Draw the simplified function using minimum number of basic logic gates.


Please choose only one of them after question 5.

5.       List the PLA program table for the BCD-to-excess-3 code converter.


6.       Design a 4-line to 2-line priority encoder. Include an output E to indicate that at least one input is a 1.

7.       Construct a 5 x 32 decoder with four 3 x 8 decoder / demultiplexers with an enable input and a 2 x 4 decoder. Use block diagrams of all necessary circuits.

8.       Draw the logic diagram of a 2 x 4 decoder using only minimum number of NOR gates.


9.       The following circuit of below figure has following values for variable input V and data inputs A and B. In each case, determine the values of the outputs S3, S2, S1, So, and C4.







































EP 427 Digital Electronics
First Midterm

(Time Duration : 110 Mins.)


  1. a-) Perform the following binary arithmetic operations (8 p)

i-) 1101 + 1011 (1p)       ii-) 1100 – 1001 (1p)       iii-) 1001 x 110 (3p)        iv-) 1001 ¸11 (3p)

b-) Perform each of the following operations with 2’s complement system

            i-) 11011001 + 11100111 (2p)                             ii-) 01100101 – 11101000 (2p)

c-) Perform the following arithmetic operations

            i-) (AA)16 + (FF)16 (2p)                 ii-) (FD)16 – (8E)16 (2p)                 iii-) (25)8 x (17)8 (4p)


2.       Sensors are used to monitor the pressure and the temperature of a chemical solution stored in a vat. The circuitry for each sensor produces a HIGH voltage when a specific maximum value is exceeded. An alarm requiring a LOW voltage input must be activated when either the pressure or the temperature is excessive.           

i-) Tabulate the truth table of the system. (6p)

ii) Design a circuit for this application. (6p)


  1. Simplify each of the following expressions to a minimum form

i-)   F1= A’B(C’D’ + C’D) + AB(C’D’ + C’D) + AB’C’D  (5p)

ii-)  F2= (A + B’)(A + C’)(A’ + B’ + C)     (5p)

iii-) F3= A+A’B    (5p) 


  1. For the given functions, perform the following Boolean arithmetic operations and then simplify them suing K-map and finally implement simplified function using minimum number of gates.

i-)            (10p)

ii-)          (12p)


  1. Implement a full-subtractor with two-half adders, one OR gate and one INVERTER. (15p)


  1. When the input waveforms (A,B,C,D) are supplied to a logic circuit, the output waveform (F) is obtained as shown in figure 1. Implement the logic circuit inside the box using minimum number of gates. (16p)















































































Logic Circuit




















































































































































EP 427 Digital Electronics

Second Midterm (Time Duration : 120 Mins.)


1.       a-) Design a combinational logic circuit that converts a decimal equivalent from 6461 code to 8421 code using minimum number of necessary logic gates.

 b-) Implement the same circuit using a decoder which is constructed with NAND gates and minimum number of necessary basic logic gates.


2.       Using multiplexers, design a circuit that compares 2-bit two binary numbers A (A1A0) and B (B1B0).


3.       Design a binary multiplier that multiples a 4-bit number B=B3B2B1B0 by a 3-bit number A=A2A1A0 to form the product C=C6C5C4C3C2C1C0.

Hint : This logic circuit can be constructed with AND gates and two 4-bit parallel adders. The AND gates are used to form the products of pairs of bits (i.e. A0 times B0 ® A0B0). The parallel adders are used to sum the partial products formed by the AND gates.


  1. List the PLA program table for the BCD-to-2’s complement of a BCD digit.


  1. The waveforms in given figure are applied to the J-K, and clock pulse input for AND+NOR constructed J_K flip-flop. Firstly tabulate the Q and Q’ values as a function of possible input combinations and then draw the output waveforms of Q and Q’ for the given inputs. (Assume that all of the timing parameters are zero and initial value of  Q=0).






















































































































  1. Sketch the output waveforms Q  and Q’ of an R-S latch which is constructed with NOR gates for the given input waveforms. (Assume that tr=0, tf=0, tp??=10 ns, each time division in given figure is 10 ns and Q is initially 1).  













































































































































































Good Luck











EP 427 Digital Electronics

Second Make-Up Exam.

Time Duration :100 Mins.



  1. Design a decimal arithmetic unit with two selection variables, V1 and V0, and two BCD digits, A and B. The unit should have four arithmetic operations which depend on the values of the selection variables as shown below table.



Output function

Use block diagram for all used MSI circuit



A + 9’s complement of B



A + B



A + 10’s complement of B



A + 1 (add 1 to A)


2.       A combinational circuit is specified by the following three Boolean functions; F1 = x’y’ + xz’,

F2 = y’ + x’z,   F3 = x’y + yz.  Implement the circuit with a decoder which constructed with NAND gates and minimum number of external NAND gates.


3.       Implement the following Boolean function F(A,B,C,D)=Σ(1,3,4,11,12,13,14,15) with a 4 x 1 multiplexer and minimum number of necessary external gates. Connect inputs A and B to the selection lines of used multiplexer. The input requirements for the four data lines (I0, I1, I2 and I3) of multiplexer will be function of variables C and D. These values are obtained by expressing F as a function of C and D for each of the four cases when AB = 00, 01, 10, 11. These function may have to be implemented with external gates.


4.       Design a binary multiplier that multiples a 4-bit number B=B3B2B1B0 by a 3-bit number A=A2A1A0 to form the product C=C6C5C4C3C2C1C0.

Hint : This logic circuit can be constructed with AND gates and two 4-bit parallel adders. The AND gates are used to form the products of pairs of bits (i.e. A0 times B0 ® A0B0). The parallel adders are used to sum the partial products formed by the AND gates.









Good Luck
























EP 427 Digital Electronics
Final Exam

Time Duration :120 Mins.



  1. An 8x1 multiplexer has A, B, and C connected to the selection inputs S2, S1, and S0, respectively. The data inputs, I0 through I7 are as follows : I0=I2=I3=I5=I6=D, I1=1 and I4=I7=0.

a-) Complete the truth table.

b-) Simplify the function in SOP and POS forms using K-map.

c-) Draw the simplest function using minimum number of necessary basic logic gates.

d-) Explain the goal of this circuit.


  1. Design a logic circuit (Quadruple 4-to-1 line multiplexer) that selects only one of the inputs A, B, C or D at the output Y using minimum number of necessary input selection lines and enable input. All of the input numbers have four bits (i.e. A3A2A1A0) so output number has also four bits Y3Y2Y1Y0.


  1. Design a combinational logic circuit either in block diagram or not that converts a decimal digit from its decimal number system to binary number system when you press the key of decimal digit.


  1. Design a logic circuit that detects the errors occur when a binary information transferring from a computer to a printer. Restrict that the long of binary information are four bits.


  1. The following inputs are applied to the negative edge-triggered R-S flip flop.

a-) Explain the operational principle of edge-triggered R-S flip flop.

b-) Draw the output waveforms of both output (Assume that initial position of Q=HÝGH and all of the timing parameters are equal to zero).








































































































































Good Luck

























EP 427 Digital Electronics
First Midterm

Time Duration :120 Mins.




1- ) Simplify the following function using don’t care conditions in both SOP and POS form.




2-) Implement the logic circuit of the following functions using minimum number of logic gates

(Only one input is available in complement form).

i-)  F1(A,B,C,D) = A(B’C’ + BCD)  +  B’D’  +  A’(BC’D + B’C)  +  AB’C’D

            ii-) F2(A,B,C,D) = (B’+D’)(A’+C’+D)(A+B’+C’+D)(A’+B+C’+D’)


3-) Find the simple form of the following Boolean function operations.



¦1(w,x,y,z)=å(0,2,4,6,9,11)                     ¦2(w,x,y,z)=Õ(0,1,4,13,15)                     

d1(w,x,y,z)=å(1,13,15)                           d2(w,x,y,z)=å(2,7,9,10)




















4 -) Design a logic circuit that finds odd and even decimal numbers between 0 and 15.


            5-) Design a logic circuit that controls traffic lights in two-roads using following cycles.












Good Luck


















EP 427 Digital Electronics
Second Midterm

Time Duration :90 Mins.






1-)  Show that carry four (C4) in a full-adder circuit (for 4-bits two-numbers A3A2A1A0 and B3B2B1B0) can

also be given in the form of

C4=G3 + F3G2 + F3F2G1 + F3F2F1G0 + F3F2F1F0C0


2-)  Design a combinational logic circuit that is convert a decimal digit from 8421 code to 2214 code using a decoder and if necessary the other basic logic gates.


3-)  Design a logic circuit of a keyboard that converts decimal digits (0,1,2,…,9) to its binary number

system when you press the keys on the keyboard.


4-) a-) Implement the following Boolean function F(A,B,C,D) = P (1,3,4,7,8,9,11,12,13,15) with a 4x1

     multiplexer and minimum number of necessary basic logic gates.

 b-) Implement the same function with also 8x1 multiplexer and the other necessary basic logic gates.  Indicate which of them becomes economic then the other in your chosen system.





Good Luck

































EP 427 Digital Electronics
Final Exam

Time Duration :90 Mins.





1-)  Determine the minimal POS and SOP realization for the following functions.

                                                               i-)  f(a,b,c,d) = å(0,2,8,9) + åd(1,3)

                        ii-) f(a,b,c,d) = å(1,7,11,13) + åd(0,5,10,15)


2-)  Consider the following functions



a-) Find the minimal AND-OR realization of f1 and a minimal OR-AND realization of f2.

b-) Implement the both functions using a decoder and if necessary the other basic logic gates.


3-)  Implement the following function with an  8x1 multiplexer

      F(A,B,C,D,E)= A’B’C’DE’ +  AB’C’ + ABC’DE  +  A’BCD’E’ +  AB’C  +  A’B’C’D’E  + 

                                ABC’D’E’ + ABC’DE’  +  A’BCDE  + ABC’D’E

4-) a-) List the PLA program table for the 8421-to-2214 code converter.

          b-) Indicate how many basic logic gates are required to obtain the logic circuit of this PLA device.





Good Luck