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 Nuclear Physics News

7th of June 1996

     Dr. Jeffry A. Tostevin from Physics Department of University of Surrey visited our Nuclear Physics Group (NPG) during the dates between June 7th- 14th, 1996 and gave a series of lectures on the nuclear interactions on which we have been working in collobaration.

7th of June 1996

     Dr. Jeffry A. Tostevin from Physics Department of University of Surrey visited our Nuclear Physics Group (NPG) during the dates between June 7th- 14th, 1996 and gave a series of lectures on the nuclear interactions on which we have been working in collobaration.

2nd of December 1996

     We have recently developed a new theoretical technique to analyse nuclear reactions involving weakly bound nuclei, such as deuteron and neutron-halo nuclei. The model based on Adiabatic approach and preliminary results are promising.

27th of January 1997

     The NPG Project entitled "The Theoretical Analysis of Reactions Involving Deuteron and Neutron-Halo Nuclei by the use of Quantum Mechanical Three-Body Technique" has been accepted by Scientific and Technical Research  Council Of Turkiye, (TUBITAK), Project No: TBAG-1601) and decided to give a financial support which has been used to get a high speed Pentium based PC and an ink-jet printer to the group. The project work formally started on March 3rd,1997 and is intended to finalize in two years.

        15th of July 1997

     We plan to give a visit to University of Surrey to discuss the recent progress we made on the theoretical treatments of nuclear reactions with Dr. J. A. Tostevin. This short visit, which is supported by British Council and the University of Surrey, will be made by Mustafa Yilmaz on dates between 5th February and 9th March.

        1st of November 1997

    Okan Ozer has joined our Nuclear Physics Group  (NPG) as a post graduate student and has been working in our department as a research assistant.

        15th of March 1998

     Mustafa Yilmaz visited the University of Surrey and returned back. He had discussed the calculations with Dr. Jeff A. Tostevin on Be11 nucleus which is a one neutron-halo, and discusseded some further calculations there. He also attended several departmental seminars and a half day Institute of Physics (IOP) seminar. This intense short visit supported by British Council in Turkiye and the University of Surrey, UK.

        20th of May 1998

     Mustafa Yilmaz and Okan Ozer have been invited to give, separately,  talks on our recent works carried out with Dr. Bulent Gonul,  at the II Kizilirmak Congress of the Natural and Applied Sciences Organized by University of Kirikkale. Mustafa Yilmaz and Okan Ozer gave their talks in separate physics sessions, and their articles are published in the II Kizilirmak Congress of the Natural and Applied Sciences Proceedings Book.

        1st of July 1998

     Dr. Humbat Ahmadov from the Private University of Azarbaijan visitedthe Nuclear Physics Group and our department. He also gave a seminar on Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra in the Evaporation Theory. He has several published articles in different areas of nuclear physics and previously worked in some well known Institutes at former Russia.

        25th of June 1998

    A recent work carried out by Mustafa Yilmaz and Dr Bulent Gonul has been accepted to present at the 17th Physics Conference organized by Turkish Physical Society and supported by University of Istanbul, Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK) and Istanbul Technical University (ITU). The conference will be in Alanya between 27-31 October. The paper presented there also to be published in a special issue of the Balkan Physics Letters.

        15th of July 1998

     Mustafa Yilmaz has been invited to give a talk on a recent work with Dr Bulent Gonul and Dr Jeff Tostevin on a reaction analysis involving one-neutron halo Be11 nucleus at Balkan School on Nuclear Physics which will be organized by the Balkan Physics Union and supported by University of Istanbul, Scientific and Technical Researh Council of Turkiye (TUBITAK), Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK) and Istanbul Technical University (ITU). The school will be in Istanbul between 1-10th September. The manuscript also to be published in a special issue of  Balkan Physics Letters.

        1st of September 1998

     Ilker Zorba has joined our Nuclear Physics Group  (NPG) as a post graduate student and has been working in our department as a research assistant. He will study Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics to work out and shed a light on some unsolved problems in nuclear physics, together with Dr Bulent Gonul in his MSc .

        16th of December 1998

    Mustafa Yilmaz has joined Department as an instructor and has been going on studing in our Nuclear Physics Group  (NPG) as a PhD student.

        28th of December 1998

     Dr Humbat Ahmadov has joined our Department as a lecturer and started studing on prompt fission problems with Dr Bulent Gonul in our Nuclear Physics Group  (NPG).

        28th of December 1998

    Okan Ozer has completed his MSc studies with a thesis titled Phase-equivalent Supersymmetric Deep and Shallow Nucleus-Nucleus Potentials and he has been accepted for PhD study in our group. He also going on working as a research assistant in the department.

      15th of February 2000

      Mustafa Yilmaz has completed  his PhD studies with a thesis entitled A Study On The Analysis of Nuclear Transfer Reactions Involving Deuteron and One-Neutron-Halo Nuclei under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bulent Gonul. He had his viva voce on Fanuary 17, 2000 and Prof  Dr. Huseyin Koru, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zihni Ozturk, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Humbat Ahmadov Assist. Prof. Dr. Ramazan Koc, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bulent  were in the examining committee.

     29th of May 2000

    Dr. Bulent Gonul has been invited to present a poster on a recent work with Dr  Mustafa Yilmaz on a reaction analysis on the structure of the heavist one-neutron halo cadidate 19C nucleus entitled A Study On The Halo Structure of 19C Via The (p,d) Reaction at Bologna 2000 - International Conference On Structure Of The Nucleus At The Dawn Of The Century which will be organized by Universita di Bologna. The manuscript also to be published in proceedings.

     1st of June 2000

    Dr Mustafa Yilmaz has been designated as Assistant Professor and lecturer in the Department of Engineering Physics at University of Gaziantep, he also going on his studies in our Nuclear Physics Group  (NPG).

2nd of August 2000

    Dr Mustafa Yilmaz has been invited to give a talk on a recent study with Dr Bulent Gonul on the structure study of the latest one-neutron halo nuclei (discovered in 1995 at Michigan State University) 19C entitled Probing The Halo Structure of  19C Via The (p,d) Reaction at Bodrum during the 2nd Balkan School on Nuclear Physics, September 12-19, directed by John F. SHARPEY-SCHAFER (Director of National Accelerator Center, Cape Town, South Africa). The manuscript also to be published in a special issue of Balkan Physics Letters (BPL).

24th of August  2000

    Mehmet Kocak has joined our Nuclear Physics Group  (NPG) as a post graduate (MSc) student and has been working in our department as a research assistant.

11th of September 2000

    Ilker Zorba has completed his MSc work. He recently started to do PhD in our Nuclear Physics Group.

25th of September 2000

    Prof Dr Viladimir I. Kukulin from Moscow State University, Institute of Nuclear Physics, is going to be visiting our NPG group between the dates of 15-22 October 2000 to initiate a colloborative works between two universities. He will deliver one or two seminars in the department during his stay on the analysis of nuclear reactions based on few-body models and some applications of supersymmetric quantum mechanics. All are welcome...

10th of January 2001

    Prof Dr Daniel Baye from University of Brussel, Nuclear Physics, is going to be visiting our NPG group between the dates of 15-22 Janaury 2001 to initiate a colloborative works between two universities. He will deliver Three seminars in the department during his stay on Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and applications of nuclear reactions to Astrophysical problems. All are welcome...

2005 © M. YILMAZ
University of Gaziantep