Computer Homeworks
- For *all* ep208 students, here we give two homeworks whose weights are additional 10% to your final average.
- Deadline of both homeworks is June 2015
*** HOMEWORK 1 ***
Implement a Discrete Random Variable Class (DRV).
Each object of this class will represent a discrete random variable.
The class must include
* a default constructor function whose prototype is
DRV(vector<double> X, vector<double> pmf);
to set (initialize) the random variable X and its corresponding probability mass function (PMF) and
to check if sum of the pmf values is unity (1.0) or not.
* a member function named double mean() that returns the mean value of the random variable.
* a member function named double RMS() that returns the RMS value of the random variable.
* a member function named double stddev() that returns the standard deviation of the random variable.
* a member function named double variance() that returns the variance of the random variable.
* a member function named double moment(int n) that returns n'th moment of the random variable.
* a member function named double P(double a, double b)
that returns either the probability between [a, b] (including a and b) of the random variable
or 0 if the [a, b] is out of range.
Example usage of the DRV class is given below:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
#include "DRV.h"
int main(){
vector x(5), y(5);
x[0]=1.0; x[1]=2.0; x[2]=3.0; x[3]=4.0; x[4]=5.0;
y[0]=0.1; y[1]=0.3; y[2]=0.4; y[3]=0.1; y[4]=0.1;
DRV myrv(x, y);
cout << "mean = " << myrv.mean() << endl;
cout << "RMS = " << myrv.RMS() << endl;
cout << "P(1,3)= " << myrv.P(1.0, 3.0) << endl;
return 0;
*** HOMEWORK 2 ***
Implement a Continuous Random Variable Class (CRV).
Each object of this class will represent a continuous random variable.
The class must include
* a default constructor function whose prototype is
CRV(double (*pdf)(double x), double xmin, double xmax);
to set (initialize) probability distribution function (PDF) for the range [xmin,xmax] and
to normalize the function such that the area under the pdf curve is unity (1.0).
* a member function named double mean() that returns the mean value of the distribution.
* a member function named double RMS() that returns the RMS value of the distribution.
* a member function named double stddev() that returns the standard deviation of the distribution.
* a member function named double variance() that returns the variance of the distribution.
* a member function named double moment(int n) that returns n'th moment of the distribution.
* a member function named double P(double a, double b)
that returns either the probability of the distribution between [a, b] (including a and b)
or 0 if the [a, b] is out of range.
Use Trapezoidal Method for the integrations.
Example usage of the CRV class is given below:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "CRV.h"
// Probability Density Function
double function f(double x){
return 2*x;
int main(){
CRV myrv(f, 0.0, 4.0);
cout << "mean = " << myrv.mean() << endl;
cout << "RMS = " << myrv.RMS() << endl;
cout << "P(1,3)= " << myrv.P(1.0, 3.0) << endl;
return 0;