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Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre Kara



 FALL 24/25


AE508 ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (Fall 24/25) NA list is announced. 09.01.2025


AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 24/25) lab-12 sheets are shared in here. 06.01.2025


AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 24/25) midterm-1 and midterm-2 make-up exams ( for the students who missed the midterms with a formal medical excuse) will be held on January 9th Thursday at 14:00 in Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu’s office room. 03.01.2025


AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 24/25) MT2 results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu during his office hours. 29.12.2024



HW1(30%) HW2(30%) FINAL(40%)
1 IM**** EL**** 70 75
2 EC**** ÇE**** 75 75
3 Sİ**** MO**** 80 65
4 YU**** CA**** YI**** 40 80


AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 24/25) lab-11 sheets are shared in here. 29.12.2024

AE508 ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (Fall 24/25) MT1, HW1, and HW2 results are shared. 29.12.2024

AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 24/25) lab-10 sheets are shared in here. 24.12.2024

AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 24/25) lab-9 sheets are shared in here09.12.2024

AE508 ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (Fall 24/25) HW2 (to be finished using STAR-CCM+) is shared. 03.12.2024

AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 24/25) lab-8 sheets are shared in here02.12.2024

AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 24/25) MT1 results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu during his office hours. 25.11.2024

AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 24/25) lab-7 sheets are shared in here. 25.11.2024

AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 24/25) lab-6 sheets are shared in here. 18.11.2024

AE508 ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (Fall 24/25) supplementary files for MT1 is shared. 12.11.2024

AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 24/25) lab-5 sheets are shared in here. 11.11.2024

AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 24/25) lab-4 sheets are shared in here28.10.2024

AE508 ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (Fall 24/25) HW1 is shared. 22.10.2024

AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 24/25) lab-3 sheets are shared in here. 21.10.2024

AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 24/25) lab-2 sheets are shared in here. 14.10.2024

AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 24/25) lecture notes and lab sheets will be shared in this page. The page is password protected. The password will be given in class. Please note that lab sheets will be deleted after each corresponding lab sessions. 05.10.2024

AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 24/25) syllabus is shared. 04.10.2024

AE508 ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (Fall 24/25) syllabus (first lecture slides) is shared. 04.10.2024


SPRING 23/24


AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (SPRING 23/24) RESIT exam results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu Jun 28th, Friday till noon. 27.06.2024

AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) (Spring 23/24) RESIT exam results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu Jun 28th, Friday till noon. 27.06.2024


AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) (Spring 23/24) all results (INCLUDING THE TOTAL SCORE) are  announced. Please check them till 3 PM! 14.06.2024


AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (SPRING 23/24)  all results (INCLUDING THE TOTAL SCORE) are  announced. Please check them till 3 PM! 14.06.2024


AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (SPRING 23/24) final exam results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu Jun 14th, Friday till noon. 12.06.2024


AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) (Spring 23/24) final exam results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu Jun 14th, Friday till noon. 12.06.2024


AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (SPRING 23/24) MT1 and MT2 makeup results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu during his office hours. 31.05.2024


AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) (Spring 23/24) MT1 and MT2 makeup results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu during his office hours. 31.05.2024


AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) (Spring 23/24) extra lecture notes (you are responsible from them in Final) are shared. 28.05.2024


AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) (Spring 23/24) MT2 results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu during his office hours. 26.05.2024



AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) (Spring 23/24) NA list is announced. 24.05.2024


AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (SPRING 23/24) MT2 results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu during his office hours. 17.05.2024


Office hours:

Friday 8.30-9.30 (advisor office hour)

Friday 9.30-10.30 (general office hour)




AE306 AERODYNAMICS-II (COMP. AERO.) MIDTERM-2 EXAM WILL BE HELD ON MAY 21TH TUESDAY IN CLASSROOM A11 AT 8.30. The exam is closed book, closed notes. You can bring one A4 page (both sides of the page can be filled) of formula sheet (HANDWRITTEN BY YOUR OWN) and one TABLES sheet for the midterm exam. You can find TABLES sheet from lecture assistant’s site06.05.2024


AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (SPRING 23/24) Midterm-2  WILL BE HELD ON MAY 13TH MONDAY IN COMLAB AT 10.00. Details about the exam are given in AE427_Emre_Kara_Chapter_006.05.2024


AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (SPRING 23/24) HW 1-2-3 results are announced. 06.05.2024


AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (SPRING 23/24) Tutorial-7 is shared. 30.04.2024


AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (SPRING 23/24) Tutorial-6 is shared. 22.04.2024


AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (SPRING 23/24) Tutorial-5 is shared. 15.04.2024


AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (SPRING 23/24) MT1 results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu during his office hours. 05.04.2024


AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) (Spring 23/24) MT1 results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu during his office hours. 01.04.2024


AE306 AERODYNAMICS-II (COMP. AERO.) MIDTERM-1 EXAM WILL BE HELD ON MAR. 26TH TUESDAY IN CLASSROOM A11 . The exam is closed book, closed notes. One A4 page of formulae sheet is allowed. IN THIS MIDTERM, TABLES ARE NOT ALLOWED. Neither cellphones nor computers are allowed. Only a regular scientific calculator is allowed, i.e. any calculators capable of performing symbolic algebra, calculus computations, graphing and document reading are prohibited and student with them can be disciplined.




AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) (Spring 23/24) syllabus is UPDATED. 11.03.2024


AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (SPRING 23/24) Tutorial-3 is shared. 11.03.2024

AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (SPRING 23/24) Tutorial-2 is shared. 04.03.2024

AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (SPRING 23/24) Tutorial-1 is shared. 26.02.2024


AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) (Spring 23/24) syllabus is shared. 13.02.2024


AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (SPRING 23/24) syllabus (first lecture slides) is shared. 12.02.2024


FALL 23/24


AE305 Aerodynamics I (FALL 23/24) resit exam results are announced. You can control the grand totals till 8 PM, Jan 24th. Your grand totals will be executed into your letter grades after 8 PM. 24.01.2024


AE305 Aerodynamics I (FALL 23/24) Final exam results are announced. You can check your final exam papers on Friday, Jan 19th from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu. Also, ALL results (including quizzes, homeworks, labs, midterms, final and grand total) are announced. You can control the grand totals till the end of Friday, Jan 19th. On Saturday, your grand totals will be executed into your letter grades. 18.01.2024


AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (FALL 23/24) final exam results and grand totals are announced. You can check your exam papers from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu on Thursday, Jan 18th between 9.00 AM – 10.00 AM in classroom A11. 17.01.2024


AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (FALL 23/24) all hw and midterm results, NA list and total points without final exam are announced. 09.01.2024


Tutorial 10 of AE427 lecture is shared. 05.01.2024


AE305 AERODYNAMICS-I (FALL 23/24)  NA list is given next to the Midterm results. 04.01.2024
AE305 AERODYNAMICS-I (FALL 23/24) midterm-2 results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu on Friday, Jan 5th. 03.01.2024
AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (FALL 23/24) MT2 results, NA list and total points without final exam and HW5 are announced. You can check your exam papers from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu on Friday, Jan 5th. 03.01.2024


Tutorial 9 of AE427 lecture is shared. 30.12.2023

The MUP100 final exam will take place on Tuesday, January 16th, in A13. The exam will begin promptly at 9:00 AM, and all students are expected to be prepared for their presentations, which will be randomly assigned. Further information about the final exam can be found below. 27.12.2023


AE534 Viscous Flow (Fall 2023/24) NA list (who cannot attend the final exam on Jan 18th, 8.30 AM in A11 class) is announced.  Details are  given in AE534 lecture page. 27.12.2023


AE427 Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (Fall 23/24) midterm-2 make-up exam ( for the students who missed the MT2 with a formal medical excuse) will be held on December 29th Friday at 15:30 in COM-LAB. 22.12.2023


AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (FALL 23/24) hw 2-3-4 results are announced. 20.12.2023


Tutorial 8 of AE427 lecture is shared. 15.12.2023


Tutorial 7 of AE427 lecture is shared. 08.12.2023


MUP100 homework results are shared below. Each report was worth 10%. The presentation (Final) will be worth 60% of your final mark. Students will prepare and sent it by email (emrekara [at] gantep.edu.tr) till the end of semester (January 5th) and present it as a 10 minute presentation. The presentation will take place during finals week. The date will be sent from instructor’s mail and will be announced here when the rest of the final dates are announced on the department page.08.12.2023
















Tutorial 6 of AE427 lecture is shared. 01.12.2023

Tutorial 5 of AE427 lecture is shared. 26.11.2023


AE305 Aerodynamics I (Fall 23/24) midterm-1 make-up exam ( for the students who missed the MT1 with a formal medical excuse) will be held on December 1st Friday at 15:30 in COM-LAB. 22.11.2023

AE427 Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (Fall 23/24) midterm-1 make-up exam ( for the students who missed the MT1 with a formal medical excuse) will be held on December 1st Friday at 15:30 in COM-LAB. 22.11.2023


AE305 AERODYNAMICS-I (FALL 23/24) midterm-1 results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu. 22.11.2023
AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (FALL 23/24) hw1 and MT1 results are announced. You can check your papers after AE427 class on Friday. 22.11.2023


Tutorials 4.1 and 4.2 of AE427 lecture are shared. 10.11.2023


AE534 Viscous Flow (Fall 2023/24) Midterm 1 exam will be held on Wednesday, November 15, in my office (Z04).  Details are  given in AE534 lecture page. 08.11.2023


Tutorials 1.1, 3.1-3.2, 3.3-3.4 of AE427 lecture are shared. 03.11.2023

Tutorial 2.3 of AE427 lecture is shared. 28.10.2023

Tutorial 2.1& 2.2 of AE427 lecture is shared. 28.10.2023


Aşağıda ismi yazılı MUP100 ÖĞRENCİLERİ mail adresime (emrekara [at] gantep.edu.tr) boş bir mail atarlarsa ders içeriği ile ilgili bilgilendirme yapılacaktır. If the MUP100 STUDENTS whose names are written below send an empty e-mail to my e-mail address (emrekara [at] gantep.edu.tr), information about the course content will be given. 27.10.2023











Tutorial 1.2 of AE427 lecture is shared. 20.10.2023

Web resources mentioned in AE305 class are shared. 12.10.2023

You can read the AE305 lab grading announcements from the previous semester on the AE 305 lecture page10.10.2023

Students in AE305, AE427, AE508 (other than those graded FF, FD in the previous semester) are required to attend at least 70%http://www1.gantep.edu.tr/~emrekara/index.php/ae305/ of their classes or they will receive a grade of NA (Non-Attendance). 10.10.2023


AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (FALL 23/24) syllabus (first lecture slides) is shared. 06.10.2023

AE534 (Fall 2023/24) syllabus is shared. 05.10.2023

AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 23/24) syllabus is shared. 05.10.2023


SPRING 22/23

AE306 Aerodynamics-II (Spring 22/23) syllabus is UPDATED FOR ONLINE. 07.04.2023

AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Spring 22/23) syllabus is UPDATED FOR ONLINE. 07.04.2023


AE306 Aerodynamics-II (Spring 22/23) syllabus is updated. 27.03.2023

AE306 Aerodynamics-II (Spring 22/23) table is shared in GAUZEM. Link is given in AE306 webpage. 27.03.2023

AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Spring 22/23) syllabus is shared. 02.03.2023

AE534 (Spring 22/23) syllabus is shared. 01.03.2023

AE306 Aerodynamics-II (Spring 22/23) syllabus is shared. 27.02.2023


FALL 22/23



AE305 Aerodynamics-I (FALL 22/23) RESIT results are announced. You can check your exam  on Jan 23rd, Monday between 12.00-13.00, in my office (Z04). 21.01.2023


AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (FALL 22/23) RESIT exam results (UPDATED) are announced. You can check them till Monday noon, Jan 23rd, 1 pm from Instructor Ünal Hayta in Uçak Montaj Lab. On Monday afternoon, your grand totals (replacing final with your resit exam) will be executed into your letter grades. 20.01.2023


The resit exam will be same as the final, except I will ask questions regarding your presentation at the end. Same project reports should be submitted before presentation and CFD study (with finished solution) should be brought to class in “your” laptop. 16.01.2023


AE305 Aerodynamics-I (FALL 22/23) ALL results (including final and grand total) are announced. You can check your final exam  on Jan 13th, Friday, in Mikroakışkanlar Laboratuvarı (Uçak Montaj), between 09.00-11.00 and 14.00-15.00. 12.01.2023
AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (FALL 22/23) ALL results are announced. 11.01.2023
ME… FI… IS… 80
AH… DU… 45
EL… DU… 80
BU… GO…  55
HA… IN… 55
DO… KA…. 100
BE… KA… 100
SE… KA… 100
AH… KO… 0 (NA)
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (FALL 22/23) ALL results (including labs and grand total) are announced. You can check them till Thursday, Jan 12th. On Friday, your grand totals will be executed into your letter grades. 08.01.2023
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (FALL 22/23) FINAL results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Mustafa Varki. 06.01.2023
AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (FALL 22/23) hw results are announced. 30.12.2022
AE405 (Fall 22/23)  MT2 makeup results are announced. 29.12.2022
AE508 ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (FALL 22/23) example reports (will be deleted on Saturday, Dec 31st) are shared. 29.12.2022
AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (FALL 22/23) Final details and example reports (will be deleted on Saturday, Dec 31st) are shared. 29.12.2022
AE305 Aerodynamics (Fall 22/23) (FALL 22/23) NA LIST is announced. You can check your attendance from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu. 29.12.2022
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (FALL 22/23) NA LIST is announced. You can check your attendance from Res. Ast. Mustafa Varki. 27.12.2022
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (FALL 22/23) midterm-2 results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Mustafa Varki. 27.12.2022
AE305 Aerodynamics (Fall 22/23)  MT2 makeup results are announced. 26.12.2022
AE305 AERODYNAMICS-I (FALL 22/23) midterm-2 results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu. 20.12.2022
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (FALL 22/23) lab-8 experiment  file is shared. EACH LAB GROUP SHOULD BRING ONE LAPTOP WITH THEM. 02.12.2022
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (FALL 22/23) lab-7 experiment  file is shared. 25.12.2022
AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (FALL 22/23) MT results are announced. You can check your exam papers on Thursday at the beginning of the class. 22.11.2022
You can download PHYWE MEASURE program from the link shared on the page of AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (FALL 22/23).
AE305 AERODYNAMICS-I (FALL 22/23) midterm-1 results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu.18.11.2022
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (FALL 22/23) lab-6 experiment  file is shared. EACH LAB GROUP SHOULD BRING ONE LAPTOP WITH THEM. 18.11.2022
AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (FALL 22/23) MT results are announced. You can check your exam paper at the start of lecture on this Thursday. 22.11.2022
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (FALL 22/23) midterm-1 results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Mustafa Varki. 14.11.2022
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (FALL 22/23) lab-5 experiment & datasheets file is shared. 11.11.2022
AE508 ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (FALL 22/23) syllabus (first lecture slides) is updated with new dates of midterms. 04.11.2022
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (FALL 22/23) lab-4 experiment sheet and datasheet are shared. 04.11.2022
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (FALL 22/23) Midterm-1 will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 2nd at 15.20 in A11 classroom. Exam is closed-book, closed notes. 28.10.2022
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (FALL 22/23) lab-3 experiment & datasheets file is shared. 13.10.2022
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (FALL 22/23) lab-2 experiment & datasheets file is shared. 06.10.2022
AE508 ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (FALL 22/23) syllabus (first lecture slides) is shared. 29.09.2022
AE427 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS (FALL 22/23) syllabus (first lecture slides) is shared. 29.09.2022
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (FALL 22/23) lab-1 experiment sheet and datasheet are shared. 28.09.2022
AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 22/23) chapter-0 is shared. 27.09.2022
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (FALL 22/23) first day lecture slides and lab rules are shared. 26.09.2022
SPRING 21/22
AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) (Spring 21/22) RESIT results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu on Jun 20th, MONDAY. 19.06.2022
 AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Spring 21/22) RESIT results are announced. 16.06.2022
AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) (Spring 21/22) final results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu on Jun 10th, Friday. 09.06.2022
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Spring 21/22) final results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Mustafa Varki on Jun 10th, Friday. 09.06.2022
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Spring 21/22) experimental project results are announced. 27.05.2022
AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) (Spring 21/22) extra lecture notes 1&2 (you are responsible from them in Final) and HW3 are shared. They will be submitted to Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu June 2nd, Thursday till 5 PM in lecture assistant’s office26.05.2022
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Spring 21/22) midterm-2 and lab results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Mustafa Varki after thursday. 24.05.2022
AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) (Spring 21/22) NA list (who cannot attend final exam) is announced. 17.05.2022
 AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) (Spring 21/22) midterm-2 results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu on May 16th, afternoon. 15.05.2022
AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) (Spring 21/22) HW2 is shared. They will be submitted to Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu at the beginning of MT2 on May 12th, 2022 8.30 in A11 class. 28.04.2022
 AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Spring 21/22) midterm-1 results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Mustafa Varki. 16.04.2022
 AE306 Aerodynamics II (Spring 21/22) midterm-1 make-up exam ( for the students who missed the MT1 with a formal medical excuse) will be held on April 15th Friday at 13:30 (See Res. Asst. Burak Çiftçioğlu for the exam room). 12.04.2022
AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) (Spring 21/22) midterm-1 results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu. 12.04.2022
 AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) (Spring 21/22) HW1 is shared. A HW format is also shared. HWs should be handwritten, they should be solved both using tables (will be given one copy in class) and the equations derived in class lectures. They will be submitted to Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu at the beginning of problem solving session on March 31st, 2022 in A11 class. HW is password protected, pw is shared in 24th March lecture. 24.03.2022
 AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) (Spring 21/22) assistant: Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu 11.03.2022
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Spring 21/22) assistant: Res. Ast. Mustafa Varki 11.03.2022
 AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) (Spring 21/22) syllabus is shared. 23.02.2022
 AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Spring 21/22) syllabus is shared. 23.02.2022
AE508 ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS syllabus is shared. 21.02.2022
Graduate students can select AE508 ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS if they successfully finished AE433 COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS undergraduate lecture or a lecture/thesis/training equivalent of AE433. Equivalents should be approved by Dr. Emre Kara, thus student should talk with the instructor before selecting the lecture from e-registration. 19.02.2022


FALL 21/22

AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Fall 21/22) resit exam results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Mustafa Varki on Feb 148h, Friday. 18.02.2022


AVM203 Flight Theory (Fall 21/22) RESIT results are announced ! You can check your exam in the office of Res.Ast. Kübra Nur Cingöz on Feb 18th, Friday. 18.02.2022


AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 21/22) resit exam results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Mustafa Varki on Feb 18th, Friday. 18.02.2022


AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 21/22) all results are announced. You can check your results. If you have any questions about labs, quizzes etc., you can contact with Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu till 9 AM, Jan 17th, Monday. 15.01.2022


AE433 CFD (Fall 21/22)  ALL GRADES INCLUDING THE TOTAL POINTS are announced. 14.01.2022


AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 21/22) final results are announced. You can check your exam paper from Res. Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu on Jan 14th, Friday. 13.01.2022


AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Fall 21/22) all scores are announced. You can check your final exam paper from Res. Ast. Mustafa Varki on Jan 14th, Friday. 12.01.2022


 AE305 Aerodynamics (Fall 21/22) FINAL ATTENDEE LIST EXCLUDING NA STUDENTS is announced. 12.01.2022


AVM203 Flight Theory (Fall 21/22) FINAL results are announced ! You can check your Final exam and RA2 paper in the office of Res.Ast. Kübra Nur Cingöz. 09.01.2022


AVM203 Flight Theory (Fall 21/22) research activity-2 grades are announced. 06.01.2022


AE433 CFD (Fall 21/22)  HW4 GRADES are announced. 03.01.2022


Attention to AE433 Students who did not discuss with me their final presentation subject either face-to-face in class or via email. Send me your suggestion via email till the end of Monday, Jan 3rd.

AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Fall 21/22) MT2 makeup result is announced. 31.12.2021


AVM203 Flight Theory (Fall 21/22) MT2 makeup result is announced. 31.12.2021
AE433 CFD (Fall 21/22)  HW3 GRADES are announced. 29.12.2021


AE305 Aerodynamics (Fall 21/22)  MT2 makeup results are announced. 29.12.2021


AE433 CFD (Fall 21/22) final project report format, assesment criteria and suggested report structure are shared. DO NOT FORGET TO E-MAIL ME ABOUT YOUR SUGGESTION OF PROJECT SUBJECT BEFORE DEC 31ST. 28.12.2021


AE305 Aerodynamics (Fall 21/22)  quiz grades along with NA list is announced. The students in NA list cannot attend the final and resit exams. 28.12.2021


AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Fall 21/22) MT2 results along with experiment report/quiz grades is announced. 28.12.2021
AE305 Aerodynamics I (Fall 21/22) midterm-2 make-up exam ( for the students who missed the MT2 with a formal medical excuse) will be held on December 29th Wednesday at 13:30 (See Res. Asst. Burak Çiftçioğlu for the exam room). 27.12.2021
AVM203 Flight Theory (Fall 21/22) midterm-2 make-up exam ( for the students who missed the MT2 with a formal medical excuse) will be held on December 30th Thursday at 14:00 (See Res. Asst. Kübra Nur Cingöz for the exam room). 26.12.2021


AVM203 Flight Theory (Fall 21/22) research activity-1 grades are announced. 26.12.2021
AE433 CFD (Fall 21/22)  HW2 GRADE along with NA list is announced. The students in NA list cannot attend the final and resit exams. 26.12.2021


AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Fall 21/22) midterm-2 make-up exam ( for the students who missed the MT2 with a formal medical excuse) will be held on December 30th Thursday at 15:30 (See Res. Asst. Mustafa Varki for the exam room). 25.12.2021
AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 21/22) midterm-2 results are announced. 25.12.2021 


AE433 CFD (Fall 21/22)  HW4 is shared. 24.12.2021
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Fall 21/22) Experimental Project Design Groups, Rules and Report Structure are announced. 23.12.2021
AVM203 Flight Theory (Fall 21/22) research activity-2 is uploaded. 22.12.2021
AE433 CFD (Fall 21/22)  HW1 GRADE is announced. 18.12.2021


AE433 CFD (Fall 21/22)  HW3 is shared. 17.12.2021
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Fall 21/22) makeup (MT1) result is announced! 11.12.2021


AE433 CFD (Fall 21/22)  HW2 is shared. 10.12.2021



AVM203 Flight Theory (Fall 21/22) research activity-1 is uploaded. 08.12.2021


AVM203 Flight Theory (Fall 21/22) midterm-2 results are announced ! You can check your exams in the office of Res.Ast. Kübra Nur Cingöz. 07.12.2021



AE433 CFD (Fall 21/22)  HW1 is shared. 03.12.2021
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Fall 21/22) midterm-1 make-up exam ( for the students who missed the MT1 with a formal excuse) will be held on December 9th Thursday at 15:00 (See Res. Asst. Mustafa Varki for the exam room). 02.12.2021
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Fall 21/22) chapter-0 updated! 02.12.2021
AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 21/22) chapter-0 is updated. 02.12.2021 
AVM203 Flight Theory (Fall 21/22) chapter-0 is updated ! 02.12.2021
AE433 CFD (Fall 21/22) chapter-0 is updated ! 02.12.2021


AE433 CFD (Fall 21/22) midterm results are announced! 29.11.2021 
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Fall 21/22) midterm results are announced ! 18.11.2021
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Fall 21/22) lab groups and rules are announced ! 18.11.2021
AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 21/22)midterm results are announced. You can check your exams in the office of Res.Ast. Burak Çiftçioğlu. 15.11.2021 
AVM203 Flight Theory (Fall 21/22) midterm results are announced ! You can check your exams in the office of Res.Ast. Kübra Nur Cingöz. 25.10.2021
AVM203 Flight Theory (Fall 21/22) chapter-0 is updated and midterm dates are announced ! 25.10.2021
AE433 CFD (Fall 21/22) ANSYS Student installation guide is shared. 22.10.2021 
AE305 Aerodynamics-I (Fall 21/22) lecture assistant is announced. 17.10.2021 
AE433 CFD (Fall 21/22) chapter-0 is uploaded ! 01.10.2021 


AVM203 Flight Theory (Fall 21/22) chapter-0 is uploaded ! 29.09.2021


SPRING 20/21

MUP100 ÖĞRENCİLERİ mail adresime (emrekara [at] gantep.edu.tr) raporlarını en geç 4 Hazirana kadar atabilirler. 20.05.2021

MUP100 ÖĞRENCİLERİ mail adresime (emrekara [at] gantep.edu.tr) boş bir mail atarlarsa ders içeriği ile ilgili bilgilendirme yapılacaktır. 22.02.2021

MUP100 listesi:

Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu dolayısıyla silinmiştir.








Graduate students can select AE508 ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS if they successfully finished AE433 COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS undergraduate lecture or a lecture/thesis/training equivalent of AE433. Equivalents should be approved by Dr. Emre Kara, thus student should talk with the instructor before selecting the lecture from e-registration. 10.02.2021

All lectures (AE204, AE306, AE508) and related materials can be followed from GAUZEM system. You can also follow my twitter account for momentary announcements. 10.02.2021

You can check my twitter account for updates and related topics of AE204 and AE306. 10.02.2021


FALL 20/21


You can check AE405 lecture page or my twitter account for updated outline of AE405. 24.10.2020


All lectures (AVM203, AE305, AE405, AE508) and related materials can be followed from GAUZEM system. Specific announcements will be in the related lecture page (see Lecture Information). You can also follow my twitter account for momentary announcements.


SPRING 19/20


AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) Spring 2019/2020 semester all results (INCLUDING RESIT AND THE TOTAL SCORE) are announced. 30.06.2020


AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2019/2020 semester all results (INCLUDING RESIT AND THE TOTAL SCORE) are announced ! 29.06.2020


AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2019/2020 semester all results (INCLUDING FINAL AND THE TOTAL SCORE) are announced ! 16.06.2020


AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) Spring 2019/2020 semester all results (INCLUDING FINAL AND THE TOTAL SCORE) are announced. 13.06.2020


AE433 Computational Fluid Dynamics (Spring 19/20) all results (INCLUDING FINAL AND THE TOTAL SCORE) are  announced ! 08.06.2020 


AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) Spring 2019/2020 semester HW-5&6 results are announced. 30.05.2020


AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2019/2020 semester HW-3-4-5 results are announced ! 29.05.2020


AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2019/2020 semester HW-2 results are announced ! 17.05.2020


AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) Spring 2019/2020 semester HW-3&4 results are announced. 15.05.2020


AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2019/2020 semester HW-1 results are announced ! 15.05.2020


AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2019/2020 semester Chapter 8&9 Videos/Homeworks (NOT TO BE SUBMITTED) are uploaded ! 15.05.2020


AE433 Computational Fluid Dynamics (Spring 19/20) Homework-2 (Project Report & wbpz files) directives are  announced ! 04.05.2020 


AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) Spring 2019/2020 semester HW-1&2 results announced. 04.05.2020


AE433 Computational Fluid Dynamics (Spring 19/20) Distance Education presentation day selection poll is  announced ! 24.04.2020 


AE433 Computational Fluid Dynamics (Spring 19/20) Distance Education Term Project lists (HWs) and details are  announced ! 21.04.2020 


AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2019/2020 semester Chapter 6 Videos/Homeworks (NOT TO BE SUBMITTED) are uploaded ! 17.04.2020


AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) Spring 2019/2020 semester HW grading weighing and HW-1&2 submission dates are announced. 16.04.2020


AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2019/2020 semester Chapter 5 Videos/Homeworks (NOT TO BE SUBMITTED) are uploaded ! 10.04.2020


AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2019/2020 semester Chapter 4 Videos/Homeworks (NOT TO BE SUBMITTED) are uploaded ! 04.04.2020


AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2019/2020 semester Chapter 3 Videos/Homeworks (NOT TO BE SUBMITTED) are uploaded ! 30.03.2020


AE433 Computational Fluid Dynamics (Spring 19/20) Distance Education” instructions are announced ! 26.03.2020 


AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2019/2020 “Distance Learning” instructions are announced ! 23.03.2020


AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2019/2020 semester Lab-4 results are announced ! 13.03.2020


AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2019/2020 semester Lab-3 results are announced ! 10.03.2020


AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2019/2020 semester Lab-4 experiment sheet is uploaded ! 09.03.2020


AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2019/2020 semester Lab-2 results and Chapter 2 Videos/Homeworks (NOT TO BE SUBMITTED) are uploaded ! 02.03.2020


AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2019/2020 semester Lab-3 experiment sheet is uploaded ! 28.02.2020


AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2019/2020 semester Lab-1 results are announced ! 24.02.2020


AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2019/2020 semester Lab-2 experiment sheet is uploaded ! 21.02.2020


AE433 Computational Fluid Dynamics (Spring 19/20) chapter-0 is uploaded ! 19.02.2020 


AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (COMPRESSIBLE AERO.) Spring 2019/2020 semester syllabus is announced. 18.02.2020


AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2019/2020 semester lab groups and lab schedule are announced. 17.02.2020


AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2019/2020 semester Chapter-1 videos and homeworks (NOT TO BE SUBMITTED) are uploaded ! 14.02.2020
AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2019/2020 semester Lab-1 experiment sheet (with a supplementary video) is uploaded ! 14.02.2020


AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2019/2020 semester syllabus is announced. 10.02.2020
AE508 Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (Spring 19/20) lecture hours and prerequisites are announced ! 02.02.2020 


FALL 19/20


AE305 Aerodynamics I (Fall 19/20) RESIT EXAM results are announced ! 23.01.2020 
You can check AE305 resit exam papers on friday (24.01.2020) in Z04 (my office room) between 9:30-10:00.


AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Fall 19/20)  RESIT exam results are announced ! 23.01.2020 You can check AE405 resit exam papers
TODAY (23.01.2020) in CLASSROOM A02 from Res. Asst. Burak Çiftçioğlu between 14:00-15:00.


AE209 Thermodynamics (Fall 19/20)  all results (including RESIT EXAM) are announced ! 23.01.2020

You can check AE209 resit exam papers TODAY (23.01.2020) in CLASSROOM A02 from Res. Asst. Burak Çiftçioğlu between 11:00-12:00 and 14:00-15:00.


AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Fall 19/20)  final exam results are announced ! 16.01.2020 You can check AE405 final papers
on 17.01.2020 Friday between 09:00-12:00 in the office room of Res. Asst. Burak Çiftçioğlu.


AE305 Aerodynamics I (Fall 19/20) all grades (INCLUDING FINAL) are announced ! 13.01.2020 
Check all of your scores form the site. Also, you can check AE305 your final papers in the office room of Res. Asst. Ahmet Şumnu on tuesday Jan 14th afternoon!


AE209 Thermodynamics (Fall 19/20)  all results (including final) are announced ! 06.01.2020

Check all of your scores from the pdf file! Also, you can check AE209 final papers in the office room of Res. Asst. Burak Çiftçioğlu.


AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Fall 19/20)  all results (including final) are announced ! 06.01.2020 Check all of your scores from the pdf file!


AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Fall 19/20) MT2 Makeup result is announced ! 02.01.2020


AE209 Thermodynamics (Fall 19/20) makeup results and NA list are announced ! 25.12.2019


AE305 Aerodynamics I (Fall 19/20) MAKEUP RESULTS are announced ! 25.12.2019
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Fall 19/20) MT2 results are announced ! 25.12.2019

You can check your AE405 exam papers BETWEEN 14:00-15:00 ON DEC. 27TH FRIDAY (ROOM NO: Z04)


AE305 Aerodynamics I (Fall 19/20) prefinal grades and NA list are announced ! 24.12.2019


AE209 Thermodynamics (Fall 19/20)  MT2 results are announced ! 12.12.2019

You can check AE209 MT2 papers in the office room of Res. Asst. Burak Çiftçioğlu.


AE305 Aerodynamics I (Fall 19/20) make-up exam ( for the students who missed the MT2 with a formal excuse) will be held on December 18th Wednesday at 13:30 (See Res. Asst. Ahmet Şumnu for the exam room). 12.12.2019




AE305 Aerodynamics I (Fall 19/20) midterm-2 results are announced ! 10.12.2019 You can check the exam papers on 12.12.2019 Thursday between 15:00-16:30 in my office.


AE209 Thermodynamics (Fall 19/20) make-up exam ( for the students who missed the MT2 with a formal excuse) will be held on December 18th Wednesday at 15:00 (See Res. Asst. Burak ÇİFTÇİOĞLU for the exam room). 10.12.2019


AE305 Aerodynamics I (Fall 19/20) quiz and homework results are announced ! 05.12.2019


AE305 Aerodynamics I students can bring one A4 page (both sides of the page can be filled) of formula sheet (BY YOUR OWN HANDWRITING – NO PHOTOCOPIES ARE ALLOWED) to Midterm 2 which will be held on Dec 9th, Monday between 9:30-12:00 at A03 Classroom.


AE209 Thermodynamics (Fall 19/20)  Quiz 4-5-6-7 questions with answers are posted ! 28.11.2019
AE209 Thermodynamics (Fall 19/20)  MT1 results are announced ! 06.11.2019

You can check AE209 MT1 papers in the office room of Res. Asst. Burak Çiftçioğlu.


AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Fall 19/20) MT1 results are announced ! 06.11.2019

You can check your AE405 exam papers BETWEEN 15:00-16:00 ON NOV. 12ND THURSDAY (ROOM NO: Z04)


AE305 Aerodynamics I (Fall 19/20) Midterm 1 results are announced ! 25.10.2019




AE305 Aerodynamics I (Fall 19/20) quiz solutions and results are announced ! 16.10.2019


AE209 Thermodynamics (Fall 19/20) quiz solutions and results are announced ! 04.10.2019
AE305 Aerodynamics I (Fall 19/20) course objectives and syllabus are announced ! 20.09.2019
AE209 Thermodynamics (Fall 19/20) course objectives and syllabus are announced ! 20.09.2019


SPRING 18/19

AE306 (Spring 18/19) Resit Exam results are announced ! 28.06.2019
AE204 (Spring 18/19) resit exam results are announced ! 24.06.2019
AE204 (Spring 18/19) all results are announced ! 13.06.2019
You can check final exam results of AE204 on Jun 14th Friday between 10:00-11:00.
AE306 (Spring 18/19) all results are announced ! 12.06.2019
AE306 (Spring 18/19) FINAL EXAM results are announced ! 11.06.2019
You can check final exam results of AE306 on Jun 13th Thursday between 10:00-11:00.
 AE204 (Spring 18/19) LAB results (including makeup labs) are announced ! 20.05.2019
NA lists are announced. 20.05.2019
AE204 FLUID MECHANICS (Spring 18/19) LAB make-ups (not mandatory) will be held on May 17th FRIDAY at 10:20 in FLUID MECHANICS LABORATORY. LAB LIST is announced ! 14.05.2019
AE204 (Spring 18/19) Midterm 2 makeup results are announced ! 10.05.2019
AE306 (Spring 18/19) Midterm 2 results are announced ! 07.05.2019
You can check midterm results of AE204 on May 9th Thursday in lecture.
AE204 (Spring 18/19) Midterm 2 results are announced ! 07.05.2019
You can check midterm results of AE204 on May 10th Friday in A12 between 9:00-10:00.
AE204 FLUID MECHANICS (Spring 18/19) make-up exam ( for the students who missed the MT2 with a formal excuse) will be held on May 10th FRIDAY at 08:30 in A12 CLASSROOM ! 06.05.2019
AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2018/2019 semester Lab-10 experiment sheet is uploaded ! 03.05.2019
AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2018/2019 semester Lab-9 experiment sheet is uploaded ! 29.04.2019
AE306 AERODYNAMICS II Midterm-2 will be held on Thursday, May 2nd between 14.30-16:00 in A03 classroom. MT2 topics are:
-3.3: Flows in Ducts with Heat Addition and Friction (Chapter 3.8 and 3.9 from Modern Compressible Flow with Historical Perspective by J. Anderson Jr.)
-4.1: Moving Normal Shock Waves (Chapters 7.1 and 7.2 from Modern Compressible Flow with Historical Perspective by J. Anderson Jr.)
-4.2: Reflected Shock Wave (Chapter 7.3 from Modern Compressible Flow with Historical Perspective by J. Anderson Jr.)
-4.3: Physical Picture of Wave Propagation (Chapter 7.4 from Modern Compressible Flow with Historical Perspective by J. Anderson Jr.)
-4.4: Elements of Acoustic Theory (Chapter 7.5 from Modern Compressible Flow with Historical Perspective by J. Anderson Jr.)
-4.5: Finite (Nonlinear) Waves (Chapter 7.6 from Modern Compressible Flow with Historical Perspective by J. Anderson Jr.)
-4.6: Incident and Reflected Expansion Waves (Chapter 7.7 from Modern Compressible Flow with Historical Perspective by J. Anderson Jr.)
-4.7: Shock Tube Relations (Chapter 7.8 from Modern Compressible Flow with Historical Perspective by J. Anderson Jr.)
You must bring one A4 page (both sides of the page can be filled) of formula sheet (HANDWRITTEN BY YOUR OWN) and one Appendix A TABLES for the midterm exam.
AE204 FLUID MECHANICS Midterm-2 will be held on Monday, April 29th between 9.30-11:00 in A03 classroom. MT2 topics are:
-4.4 The Reynolds Transport Theorem
-5.1 Conservation of Mass—The Continuity Equation
-5.2 Newton’s Second Law— The Linear Momentum and Moment-of Momentum Equations
-5.3 First Law of Thermodynamics—The Energy Equation
-6.1 Fluid Element Kinematics 6.2 Conservation of Mass
-6.3 Conservation of Linear Momentum
-6.4 Inviscid Flow
-6.8 Viscous Flow
-6.9 Some Simple Solutions for Viscous, Incompressible Fluids
-8.1 General Characteristics of Pipe Flow
-8.2 Fully Developed Laminar Flow
-8.3 Fully Developed Turbulent Flow
-8.4 Dimensional Analysis of Pipe Flow (Only  8.4.1 Major Losses is included to MT2)
Lab Sessions (Labs 5-6-7-8) and their sheets are also included as possible question sources to MT2.
You must bring one A4 page (both sides of the page can be filled) of formula sheet (HANDWRITTEN BY YOUR OWN) for the midterm exam. Necessary graphs (such as Moody Diagram) will be supplied during the exam.
AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2018/2019 semester Lab-8 experiment sheet is uploaded ! 12.04.2019
AE204 FLUID MECHANICS AND AE306 AERODYNAMICS II (Spring 18/19) make-up exams ( for the students who missed the MT1 with a formal excuse) will be held on Apr 12th FRIDAY at 08:30 in my office ! 05.04.2019
AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2018/2019 semester Lab-7 experiment sheet is uploaded ! 5th chapter materials (videos and homeworks) are published. 05.04.2019
AE204 (Spring 18/19) Midterm 1 results are announced ! 02.04.2019
You can check midterm results of AE204 on Apr 5th Friday in my office (in AIRCRAFT AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT – Room Z04) between 9:00-10:00.
AE306 (Spring 18/19) Midterm 1 results are announced ! 02.04.2019
You can check midterm results of AE306 on Apr 5th Friday in my office (in AIRCRAFT AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT – Room Z04) between 9:00-10:00.
AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2018/2019 semester Lab-6 experiment sheet is uploaded ! 02.04.2019
AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2018/2019 semester Lab-5 experiment sheet is uploaded ! 26.03.2019
AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2018/2019 semester Lab-4 experiment sheet is updated. 22.03.2019
AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2018/2019 semester Lab-4 experiment sheet is uploaded. 08.03.2019
AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2018/2019 semester syllabus and Chapter 3 videos/homeworks are announced. 07.03.2019
AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2018/2019 semester Lab-3 experiment sheet is uploaded. 04.03.2019
AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2018/2019 semester Lab-2 experiment sheet is uploaded. 22.02.2019
AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2018/2019 Lab-1 supplementary video is uploaded. 20.02.2019
AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2018/2019 semester lab groups are announced. Lab-1 experiment sheets are uploaded. 15.02.2019
ONLY FOR THE FIRST WEEK, AE204 Fluid Mechanics Lab session FIRST HOUR will be held on Feb 15th at A12. Then we will be in Fluid Mechanics laboratory for the second hour. All students should attend this lecture hours, otherwise they will be added to lab groups randomly.
AE204 Fluid Mechanics Spring 2018/2019 semester syllabus and Chapter 1 videos/homeworks are announced. 13.02.2019
AE534 Viscous Flow first lecture will be held on Thursday, Feb 14th between 9.25-12:00 in A13 classroom.


FALL 18/19

AE209 Thermodynamics (Fall 18/19) RESIT results are announced ! 25.01.2019
You can check RESIT results of AE209 on Jan 28th MONDAY in my office (in AIRCRAFT AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT – Room Z04) between 8:30-10:30.
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Fall 18/19) RESIT results are announced ! 25.01.2019
You can check RESIT results of AE405 on Jan 28th MONDAY in my office (in AIRCRAFT AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT – Room Z04) between 8:30-10:30.
AE209 Thermodynamics (Fall 18/19) ALL results (INCLUDING FINAL) are announced ! 11.01.2019
You can check final results of AE209 on Jan 11th Friday in my office (in AIRCRAFT AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT – Room Z04) between 15:30-16:30.
AE209 Thermodynamics (Fall 18/19) ALL results (EXCEPT FINAL) are announced ! 10.01.2019
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Fall 18/19) all results (INCLUDING FINAL) are announced ! 10.01.2019
You can check final results of AE405 on Jan 11th Friday in my office (in AIRCRAFT AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT – Room Z04) between 8:30-9:15.
AE433 Computational Fluid Dynamics (Fall 18/19) all results (INCLUDING FINAL) are announced ! 07.01.2019
You can check midterm results of AE433 on Jan 11th Friday in my office (in AIRCRAFT AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT – Room Z04) between 8:30-9:15.
AE305 Aerodynamics I (Fall 18/19) all results (INCLUDING FINAL) are announced ! 05.01.2019
You can check final results of AE305 on Jan 11th Friday in my office (in AIRCRAFT AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT – Room Z04) between 8:30-9:15.
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Fall 18/19) Lab results are announced ! 02.01.2019
AE305 Aerodynamics I (Fall 18/19) all quiz/hw/midterm results are announced ! 30.12.2018
AE433 Computational Fluid Dynamics (Fall 18/19) Midterm 2 results are announced ! 29.12.2018
You can check midterm results of AE433 on Jan 2nd Wednesday in my office (in AIRCRAFT AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT – Room Z04) between 16:00-16:30.
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Fall 18/19) Midterm 2 results are announced ! 29.12.2018
You can check midterm results of AE405 on Jan 2nd Wednesday in my office (in AIRCRAFT AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT – Room Z04) between 16:00-16:30.
AE305 Aerodynamics I (Fall 18/19) Midterm 2 results and NAs are announced ! 25.12.2018
You can check midterm results of AE305 on Dec 28th Friday in my office (in AIRCRAFT AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT – Room Z04) between 14:00-14:30.
AE209 Thermodynamics (Fall 18/19) Midterm 2 results are announced ! 25.12.2018
You can check midterm results of AE209 on Dec 28th Friday in my office (in AIRCRAFT AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT – Room Z04) between 14:00-14:30.
AE433 Computational Fluid Dynamics (Fall 18/19) make-up exam( for the students who missed the MT2 with a formal excuse) will be held on Dec 26th WEDNESDAY at 16:00 in COM-LAB  ! 25.12.2018
AE209 Thermodynamics (Fall 18/19) NAs are announced ! 24.12.2018
AE305 Aerodynamics I (Fall 18/19) syllabus is updated and final grade will be weighed 50% for this semester ! 23.12.2018
AE433 Computational Fluid Dynamics (Fall 18/19) term project instructions (doc file) and presentation schedule (pdf file) are shared ! 21.12.2018
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Fall 18/19) Midterm 2 related files are shared ! 21.11.2018
AE209 Thermodynamics (Fall 18/19) HW4, Quiz4 and Short Quizzes 1-2 results are announced ! 17.12.2018
AE433 Computational Fluid Dynamics (Fall 18/19) Midterm 1 results are announced ! 11.12.2018
You can check midterm results of AE433 on Dec 14th Friday in my office (in AIRCRAFT AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT – Room Z04) between 14:00-14:30.
 AE305 Aerodynamics I (Fall 18/19) supplementary questions for MT2 are posted ! 04.12.2018
AE209 Thermodynamics (Fall 18/19) HW3 and Quiz3 results are announced ! 30.11.2018
AE305 Aerodynamics I (Fall 18/19) HW 3-4 and Quiz 3-4 results are announced ! 26.11.2018
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Fall 18/19) Midterm 1 results are announced ! 16.11.2018
You can check midterm results of AE405 on Nov 19th Monday in my office (in AIRCRAFT AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT – Room Z04) between 14:00-14:30.
AE209 Thermodynamics (Fall 18/19) Midterm 1 results are announced ! 11.11.2018
You can check midterm results of AE209 on Nov 12th Monday and 16th Friday in my office (in AIRCRAFT AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT – Room Z04) between 14:00-14:30.
AE305 Aerodynamics I (Fall 18/19) Midterm 1 results are announced ! 05.11.2018
You can check midterm results of AE305 on Nov 8th Thursday and 9th FRIDAY in my office (in AIRCRAFT AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT – Room Z04) between 14:00-14:30.
AE209 Thermodynamics (Fall 18/19) HW2 and Quiz2 results are announced ! 26.10.2018
AE305 Aerodynamics I (Fall 18/19) HW2 and Quiz2 results are announced ! 22.10.2018
AE209 Thermodynamics (Fall 18/19) midterm exam 1 will be held on Oct 23rd TUESDAY at 15:30 ! 21.10.2018
AE305 Aerodynamics I (Fall 18/19) midterm exam 1 will be held on Oct 22nd MONDAY at 16:00 ! 21.10.2018
AE209 Thermodynamics (Fall 18/19) HW1 and Quiz1 results are announced ! 11.10.2018
AE305 Aerodynamics I (Fall 18/19) HW1 and Quiz1 results are announced ! 08.10.2018
AE433 Computational Fluid Dynamics (Fall 18/19) course page is updated ! 05.10.2018
AE209 Thermodynamics (Fall 18/19) course objectives and syllabus are announced ! 21.09.2018
AE305 Aerodynamics I (Fall 18/19) course objectives and syllabus are announced ! 21.09.2018
AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (Fall 18/19) course objectives and syllabus are announced ! 21.09.2018
AE433 Computational Fluid Dynamics (Fall 18/19) course objectives and syllabus are announced ! 21.09.2018


 SPRING 17/18

AE204 (Spring 17/18) resit exam results are announced ! 22.06.2018
AE306 (Spring 17/18) resit results are announced ! 22.06.2018
AE204 (Spring 17/18) all results are announced ! 30.05.2018
You can check all results on May 31st Thursday in my office (in AIRCRAFT AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT) between 14:00-16:30.
AE306 (Spring 17/18) all results are announced ! 30.05.2018
You can check all results on May 31st Thursday in my office (in AIRCRAFT AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT) between 14:00-16:30.
AE204 Homework (Spring 17/18) results are announced ! 25.05.2018
AE204 Midterm 2 (Spring 17/18) results are announced ! 21.05.2018
AE306 Midterm 2 (Spring 17/18) results are announced ! 21.05.2018
You can check AE204 and AE306 Exam papers from Res. Ast. Ahmet Şumnu.
AE204 Midterm 1 (Spring 17/18) results are announced ! 13.04.2018
AE306 Midterm 1 (Spring 17/18) results are announced ! 13.04.2018


My Curriculum Vitae









Click here for the list Liste için tıklayınız



2019-         University of Gaziantep / Department of Aerospace Engineering / Assist. Prof. Dr.

2015-2019 University of Gaziantep / Department of Mechanical Engineering / Research Assistant Dr.

2006-2015 University of Gaziantep / Department of Mechanical Engineering / Research Assistant



2008 – 2015 Ph.D. University of Gaziantep/Gaziantep-TURKEY

Mechanical Engineering

C.GPA: 3.86/4.00

Thesis Title: Development of a Navier-Stokes Solver for Compressible Flows on Cartesian-Grids with Aerodynamics Applications
Thesis Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. İhsan Kutlar
Thesis Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. M. Haluk Aksel

2005 – 2008 M.Sc. University of Gaziantep/Gaziantep-TURKEY

Mechanical Engineering

C.GPA: 3.54/4.00

Thesis Title: Design of an Alternative Glaucoma Drainage Device Using CFD Tools
Thesis Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. İhsan Kutlar

2001 – 2005 B.S. Middle East Technical University/Ankara-TURKEY

Mechanical Engineering

C.GPA: 2.54/4.00

1998 – 2000 High School Gaziantep Anatolian High School/Gaziantep-TURKEY

C.GPA: 4.83/5.00



English (Fluent)-KPDS: 83
Italian (Beginner)


Ansys Meshing

AVL Fire







C Programming Language

Object Oriented Fortran Programming



Dean’s honor list (2003-2004 Spring) at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Middle East Technical University


Available upon request


Lecture Information

AE204 Fluid Mechanics

AE209 Thermodynamics 

AE305 Aerodynamics I

AE306 Aerodynamics II (Compressible Aerodynamics)

AE405 Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory

AE433 Computational Fluid Dynamics

AE508 Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics

AVM203 Flight Theory

AE534 Viscous Flow

ME372 Fluid Mechanics II

MUP100 Mesleki Uygulama Projesi

MUP200 Mesleki Uygulama Projesi-II

MUP300 Mesleki Uygulama Projesi-III

AE499 Graduation Project

Research Interests

Coanda effect and thrust vectoring

In the field of aerial jet propulsion, it is crucial to correctly orient the thrust for take-off/landing accuracy and maneuverability. Almost all aeronautical vehicles rely on movement of aerodynamic control surfaces. Despite its reliability, control surfaces have plenty of heavy mechanisms. In the last decade, the fluid thrust vectoring (FTV) concept is emerging as a popular choice , especially for the requirements of V/STOL aircrafts. The FTV method ensures the vectoring of the thrust without any movable mechanical parts simply and effectively.

Coanda effect is the adhesion of a high speed jet to a convex surface. Using Coanda effect, co-flow FTV is mostly used one in subsonic flows having one constant velocity and other jet stream with a controllable velocity. This differential velocity allows the thrust vector slope becoming more controllable. Our design (Kara and Erpulat, 2021) is shown in the figure below. For more information:











CFD Based System Identification

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a modeling tool for flow field characterizations, calculations and predictions. Combining CFD with a grey box method in order to simulate a control system is trending with high performance computers and fast converging solutions in last decade. Modeling is the key part of linking CFD to system identification that can be realized by using CFD data of a numerical study instead of time-series data of associated experimental/industrial system.




Cartesian grids constitute a special branch in unstructured grid technology. They use specially designed algorithms to generate automatic grids for complex geometries and to simulate flows around such geometries regardless of the body shape and number of bodies. For more information:




Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases most often caused by the rise of pressure within the eye above the normal limits. This increased pressure is usually caused by some form of blocking of the passageways that allow aqueous flow. If it is left untreated, glaucoma can cause blindness. The disease gradually steals sight without warning. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling based on a commercial package, FLUENT, has been used in the present study. The primary aim of this study is to develop a novel implant by employing CFD techniques. Firstly, CFD analyses on the best design commercially available, which is the Ahmed Glaucoma Valve (AGV), are accomplished. In the light of the results, the new design focus is selected as the valve. The new design is analysed using GAMBIT and FLUENT software. CFD analyses of the new design and the AGV are compared and the strengths of the new design are revealed. The results are also compared with the experimental studies AGV in the literature. It is deduced that the proposed model shows a nonlinear pressure drop response, which is quite similar to that of AGV. For more information:





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Contact Information

Gaziantep University

Faculty of Aeronautics and Aerospace

Department of Aeronautics and Aerospace Engineering

27310 Gaziantep-TURKEY

Tel: +90-342-360 1200-3517


Emre Kara on ResearchGate